The Drawing of the Three (DT 2)--Randall Flagg--Eyes of the Dragon : Roland remembers seeing a man named Flagg pursued by two people who match up to descriptions of Thomas and Dennis
The Wastelands (DT 3)--Randall Flagg : Flagg appears in the guise of Richard Fannin who appears in Lud.
IT--The Stand : Hemingford Home is the town which Ben Hanscom regularly drinks in.
Pet Sematary--The Talisman : Rachel's sister had a picture on her wall of Oz the Great and Terrible, Jack meets Osmond and soon comes to regard him as Osmond the Great And Terrible.
Misery--The Shining : The Overlook hotel and its fate are mentioned in Misery.
Dolores Claiborne--Gerald's Game : The two books take in the same solar eclipse, and Jessie and Dolores sense each other during it.
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption--Apt Pupil : Andy Dufresne is Dussander's accountant in Apt Pupil.
Insomnia--IT : Both take place in Derry, and have Mike Hanlon in. Also, Trigger from Insomnia mentions the "big storm of '85"
IT--The Shining : Dick Hallorann appears as a cook in both - as a main character in The Shining and at the fire at The Black Spot in It.
Rose Madder--The Library Police--Misery : Naomi Higgins reads Paul Sheldon novels in The Library Policeman, and Sheldon's works also appear in Rose Madder.
Insomnia--Pet Sematary : In Atropos' den is one of Gage Creed's shoes.
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption--IT--Dolores Claiborne : Shawshank prison is where Andy Dufresne is in Rita Hayworth and ..., Eddie Corcoran's step-father is jailed there, and Dolores would have been put there if she had been found guilty, or so she reckoned.
Rose Madder--The Wastelands (DT 3) : Ka and the city of Lud are both mentioned briefly in Rose Madder.
Skeleton Crew--Breathing Method : The story of The Breathing Method is mentioned in The Man Who Wouldn't Shake Hands (in Skeleton Crew).
The Stand--IT : In Chapter 31 of The Stand, the phrase "Hiyo Silver Away" is mentioned, which is one of Bill's pet phrases in It.
The Stand--General Dark Tower : In Chapter 61 of The Stand, Judge Farris talks about ka.
The Stand--General Castle Rock : In Chapter 78 of The Stand, Franny mentions Castle Rock.
Insomnia--Gerald's Game : In the prologue of Insomnia, the guy whose truck Ed Deepneau hits mentions Ray Joubert.
Needful Things--The Library Police : Sam Peebles and Naomi Higgins (principal figures of The Library Police) are mentioned at the end of Needful Things.
Needful Things--Cujo--The Dark Half : Alan Pangborn makes shadows of a bird - "The sparrows are flying again", and a St. Bernard.
Insomnia--General Dark Tower : In Chapter 17.5 of Insomnia, Lachesis says that the dead go "to other worlds than these".
Thinner--General Stephen King : In Thinner, Ginelli and Halleck talk about the situation sounding as if it could come from a Stephen King novel.
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption--Night Shift : In Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, the inmates call the steam ironer and folder "The Mangler", which just happens to be the name of a story in Night Shift.
The Sun Dog--The Talisman : In The Sun Dog, the kid dreams he is in scary Polaroidsville in upstate NY, but before it is called Polaroidsville it is called Oatley - the town of the Jack's awful job at the Oatley Tap in The Talisman. Further evidence : there is even someone in the dream yelling "Feef!"
Insomnia--General Dark Tower : Patrick (the kid at the end) is clearly connected with the Dark Tower - he draws it and Roland.
Pet Sematary--'Salem's Lot : On her way back from her parents' house, Louis Creed's wife nearly stops off in 'Salem's Lot.
The Tommyknockers--IT : The Tommyknockers go into Derry to pick up more batteries, and one of them thinks he must be more ill than he realised because he thinks he saw a clown in one of the drains.
Carrie--General Stephen King--The Dead Zone : In "The Dead Zone", King alludes to himself by mentioning the book Carrie.
The Tommyknockers--The Talisman : Jack Sawyer, the hero of The Talisman, meets Gard when he wakes up on Arcadia beach.
The Dead Zone--The Shining : In The Dead Zone, Johnny Smith's private pupil attends Stovington Prep, the school where Jack Torrance taught.
Apt Pupil--The Shining : Denker is the name of both the headmaster in Jack's play in The Shining, and the ex-Nazi in Apt Pupil.
IT--The Dead Zone : Frank Dodd (the killer in The Dead Zone) is mentioned when the Losers Club meet up again in the Chinese restaurant.
IT--The Tommyknockers : Becca Paulson, who is the protagonist of a short episode in The Tommyknockers (also available in a slightly different form as "The Revelations of Becca Paulson"), appears near the end of IT.
Nightmares & Dreamscapes--Dolores Claiborne : Home Delivery (a short story in Nightmares and Dreamscapes) is set on Little Tall, Dolores' home.
IT--General Stephen King : In IT, when Richie approaches Derry, he listens to the radio station owned by King, WZON.
Carrie--Roadwork : The Blue Ribbon Laundry is where Margaret White works in Carrie, and where Bart Dawes works in Roadwork.
IT--The Tommyknockers : Near the end of IT, there is a clock tower in Derry that fails to chime at 5am... there is mention that the only clock tower like it is in Haven (setting of Tommyknockers)
The Tommyknockers--Pet Sematary : The ship in The Tommyknockers is found in "Big Injun Woods", which is the same area that the micmac of Pet Semetary burying ground is in.
The Tommyknockers--Firestarter : The "Feds" take the air machine in The Tommyknockers to The Shop. "This installation had once been burned to the ground by a child" - Charlie, perchance?
IT--Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption : Eddie Corcoran's father was sent to Shawshank Prison for the murder of his stepson Danny.
The Tommyknockers--General Stephen King : Bobbi Anderson refers to "a fellow in Bangor" as someone who wrote stories "all full of make-believe monsters and a bunch of dirty words".
Nightmares & Dreamscapes--General Stephen King : In The Night Flier, there is a reference to Stephen King.
The Dead Zone--Cujo : Johnny Smith and Frank Dodd are mentioned in Cujo.
Other--The Stand : In the miniseries "The Golden Years", there is a character called Captain Trips (the nickname of the illness in The Stand).
Night Shift--'Salem's Lot : The first story in Night Shift is "Jerusalem's Lot", concerning a place of the same name. This is almost certainly the same lot as 'Salem's Lot - in the chapter Susan (II), subchapter 6, of 'Salem's Lot, Matt Burke remembers a ruined church in the area that matches the description of the church in Night Shift.
IT--General Dark Tower : The Turtle is the Guardian of the Portal opposite The Bear's in Roland's world, and in IT he appears as another metaphysical being.
Thinner--IT : In Thinner, the thought of cancer "had bobbed up [in his mind] like some evil clowns dirty balloon" (or similar). Also he has a dream of huge bird with soot under its wingpits.
Night Shift--The Stand : In Night Shift, there is a story called Night Surf which concerns a virus called Captain Trips, the same name that appears in The Stand.
Night Shift--IT : The policeman in Sometimes They Come Back is called Mr. Nell. Unfortunately, it's Don Nell, but it's close enough for interest...
Skeleton Crew--The Body : Various characters from The Body are mentioned in Nona from Skeleton Crew.
The Tommyknockers--General Stephen King : In The Tommyknockers, there is a character called Frank Spruce, which is Tabitha King's maiden name.