Coaching for Arts Professionals

Barbara Bowen
  I coach professionals to reach new goals infinitely faster. CLARIFY your new goals, EMPOWER your creativity, OVERCOME your obstacles, take ACTION NOW to produce results. Gateways has guided designers, journalists, ad creatives, artists, photographers, healing arts and media professionals, architects and others into new levels of creativity and success in their careers. Gateways is for those in Arts-related fields and others who dream of reaching greater goals.

Quote of the Week
""In modern society, the opposite of courage is not cowardice, it is conformity." -Rollo May"

1/2 Hour Phone Consultation...FREE
 718-596-8339 or Email Me
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Articles by Barbara Bowen

Photography by Barbara Bowen

       Manhattan and Brooklyn offices
     Ask me about coaching by phone and/or email.


1. Clarify:

   The present
   The creative goals
   The obstacles (inner/outer)

2. Accelerate:

   Actions that produce results
   Reaching your goals

"Obstacles become "gateways" to action and achievement."

"Timeless wisdom...supersedes the latest trends."


We live in a society which often fails to nurture the creative aspects of our nature. Systems--educational, religious, corporate, even family systems--are useful for their contribution to social order. However, when systems harden and become rigid, they cease to be life-giving and rarely foster the Creative Process. In fact, they often become life-depleting. The flow of creativity and the disruption of the flow, is a cycle that has thematic aspects which may be discerned and then addressed, according to individual need. GATEWAYS themes are derived from a unique blend of mythological traditions and healing arts, all grounded in Jungian psychology. It is a goal-oriented method in which insight gives way to action, supported by holistic tools. And obstacles become "gateways" to deeper alignment with creative calling. (See How does Gateways Work?).


Gateways helps clients to: transition into new arts careers; re-position themselves in their current arts career; act on specific projects or creative life visions; or simply to cultivate creativity. Whether you are pursuing a career in visual or performing arts, media arts, healing arts, design, architecture, or simply want to reach an independent creative goal, Gateways coaching may be your prime resource for success.

COACH WITH ME IN BROOKLYN, MANHATTAN, BY PHONE OR EMAIL. The Brooklyn office is pleasing and near Manhattan (an easy trip on the F train.) Or if preferred, we will meet in Manhattan. New York state and long distance clients are well served with the Coach-by-Phone or Email option.


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