Hayes family of South Africa

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Steve Hayes of Pretoria

My old personal page was looking a horrible mess, so I decided to start again from scratch. I haven't finished rewriting all the information yet, so if you want to know very important things like whether I'm that stupid git who was at school with you, or if I was the author of that journal or newsgroup article you disagree with and want to tell me about, check my links page which has a list of most of the articles I've written on various web sites.

One of the main purposes of having a personal web page is to answer those FAQs (frequently asked questions) such as "Are you the all-in wrestler from Akron, Ohio?" To which the answer is, "No, I've never been near Akron Ohio, but my godfather was Tromp van Diggelen, who was an all-in wrestler, treasure hunter and strong man, and I was named after him but don't take after him in other respects."

To summarise: Steve Hayes is an Orthodox deacon, and a freelance editor, writer, teacher and missiologist, who lives in Pretoria, South Africa with a wife, three chldren, two dogs, and assorted rats, birds and insects who drop in for purposes known only to themselves. You can read more about the rest of our family on our family page, and most other things on the various other pages. What you can't read here you probably don't want to know.

You can send me e-mail at:

Making contact

If you want to write to us by e-mail or snail mail, please see our contact page for address information.

Unfortunately it is often not safe to have e-mail addresses on web pages, as spammers use them to compile mailing lists. I will put my Yahoo address on web pages: hayesstw@yahoo.com, since Yahoo! has built-in spam traps, but it is not my preferred address.

Other pages on this site

Links and web sites

A list of web pages I maintain and articles I've published on the web, with links to other sites dealing with similar topics. If you are interested in any of these topics and would like to discuss them, please check here.


The home page of the Hayes family of Pretoria, with a general site description, and the latest family news.


An index which lists the topics of these pages in alphabetical order, and then grouped by subjects, and if you still can't find what you're looking for, there's a search engine. If you can't find it after that, you're probably looking in the wrong place, so the search engine also has an option that lets you search the rest of the web.

Family history

Our family history pages include a partial family tree, and information about various branches of our family.

Literary pages

The literary pages have articles on Christianity and literature, and especially about the works of the Inklings: C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, J.R.R. Tolkien and their friends.

Church pages

We belong to the Orthodox Church, and the church pages have some information about Orthodox Christianity and have links to other Orthodox sites.

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  1. Journals and Diaries
  2. Education
  3. Church

There isn't all that much content here yet, and until there is, your best bet is probably to use the search engine. If you really want to know if I went to school with you, enter the name of the school in the search engine, and see what turns up.

[ Contents | Top of page | Index of all pages ]


I've kept a diary or journal since I was 11, and have found it quite useful as a historical reference. I've transcribed some of the earlier handwritten ones in to computer files, and printed out an indexed version of of the one I kept in Namibia in 1969-1972, and have deposited it at the Namibian archives in Windhoek.

At the beginning of the third millennium, I thought it might be interesting to make some of it public, as a kind of social history of the period. One reads all kinds of contradictory stories about what people thought at the beginning of the second millennium -- perhaps if more people had kept journals then, we would know more.

Click here to read my diary

I found that was a bit clunky, however, and haven't kept up with it much. I reacently found a much better site, to which I was introduced by Bishop Seraphim Siggrist: LiveJournal. It allows you to find people with interests similar to yours, and to link to their diaries as "friends". This one really is worth a look.

If you'd like to know more about keeping a journal or diary, either online or off line, here are some useful links:

[ Contents | Top of page | Index of all pages ]


Schools and universities I went to, with links to their web sites, if they have them


St Stithians College, Randburg. 1953-1958
I went to St Stithians in 1953 at the age of 11.It had just opened as a Methodist school, and the classrooms were still being built. The headmaster was WGA (Wally) Mears, and there were two classes in the prep school and two classes in the high school.

Mountain Lodge Peparatory School, Magaliesberg. 1950-1952
Mountain Lodge was an example of educational privatisation before privatisation became fashionable. It had an exciting prospectus, illustrated with interesting photographs, showing idyllic country living, with boating on the lake, orse riding and more. The reality was different. The boat was a rotting hulk that looked as if it had never floated before, and the horses soon disappeared, as did the "bursar", Mr Burnford, who absconded with the funds, perhaps one step ahead of the liquidators. The most memorable things about it for me were two teachers, Murray Bissett and Wilfred Noriskin, who had a flair for teaching creative writing. There was alsdo a very authoritarian Afrikaans teacher, Ms Barr, who caused the whole school to go on strike one day. We had read about Solly Sachs and the Garment Workers Union in the newspapers, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Fairmount Government School, Johannesburg.1948-1950
Fairmount School was a mile away from where we lived, a pleasant walk down a gravel road across the veld, which is now all built up as Glenhazel. My teacher in Standard 1 was a Miss Armstrong who married and became a Mrs Legger, much to the amusement of the kids.

Westville Government School, Natal. 1947-1948
The school, under Mr Lumsden, went up to Standard 3 (Grade 5), and was in an old house. It later became Westville Boys High School.

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University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
I attended the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg from 1963-1965, and did a BA degree with majors in Theology and Biblical Studies. Other subjects included History, Psychology, Philosophy and Zulu.

St Chad's College, Durham
I was at St Chad's College, Durham from 1966-1968, and read for the post-graduate Diploma in Theology there. St Chad's is a constituent college of the University of Durham.

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Anglican Church
We previously belonged to the Anglican Church (Church of the Province of Southern Africa). Steve was in the Anglican Church in Namibia in the early 1970s, until he was deported from there in 1972. He was then banned to Durban, where he met and married Val Greene, and after the ban was lifted in 1976 was Director of Training for Ministry in the Anglican Diocese of Zululand, and later Director of Mission and Evangelism in the Anglican Diocese of Pretoria.

Orthodox Church
In 1987 we were received into the Orthodox Church, and were among the founding members of the parish of St Nicholas of Japan, in Brixton, Johannesburg.

For the last two years we have mainly been worshipping in Mamelodi, Tshwane, leading the Hours and Readers Service. You can read more about the Mamelodi congregation if you click here.

On 25 July 2004 eight members of our Mamelodi congregation were baptised, and Steve was ordained deacon by His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim, Orthodox Archbishop of Johannesburg and Pretoria.

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Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, Pretoria, 25 July 2004
Reader Basil Mokori, newly-ordained priest Fr Johannes Rakumako, Deacon Athinos Papaevripaides, newly-ordained Deacon Stephen Hayes

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What's new

South African accents and pronunciation

On the alt.usage.english newsgroups there are often discussions about the pronunciations of different words with various accents, but it is very difficult to describe pronunciation in writing. This page has some sound files to illustrate the pronunciation of different words.

Trolley bus scrap book

In the 1960s I used to drive buses in Johannesburg, and having discovered that there were some other trolley bus enthusiasts on the Internet, I made a page of photographs and reminiscences, which I'll probably add to as I get time.

Teaching mission in Albania

Val and I went to Greece in Holy Week 2000 to see our daughter Bridget, who is studying there. We went on to Albania, where I taught mission in the Orthodox seminary there for the Pascha term.

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This page maintained by
Steve Hayes
E-mail: hayesstw@yahoo.com
Please see web page for contact information
e-mail address may overflow because of spam

PO Box 7648
0001 South Africa

Created: 22 September 2000
Updated: 9 August 2004