Mini Art Museum

Our Mini Art Museum is a program that is run with the help of volunteer parents.

Mini Art Museum is an art program that was set up in 1994 in an elementary (K-2) school in an effort to bring art back into the classroom. The artist library consists of 50 artists from Michelangelo, DaVinci, VanGogh to Jackson Pollock, Grandma Moses and Walt Disney. Each art packet consists of biographical information on the artist, suggested art activities for an art project, and a print representing the artist style. The art program has since been expanded to a 3-5 intermediate building.

Each one hour Mini Art Museum class is done 1-2 times a month. Volunteer parents meet with the classroom teacher to discuss the activity to be done. Art projects may follow along with classroom activities.

Each art packet was designed to meet the state of Illinois goals and objectives for elementary visual arts.

Questions or comments about Mini Art Museum can be directed to the District Coordinator, Becky Kennedy.

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