Creative Walking

Whenever you feel the creative energy being drained out of you, a good way to clear your head and let your imagination and your critical thinking expand is to get up and go for a walk. Get up out of your chair, put a coat on, and go for a lazy walk around the block. If it is really late at night, Go to a 24 hour market near you. I go to a Super KMart (huge building, open 24 hours) and walk around for an hour or two. If you don't have a large all night store in your area then just go to anyplace that is still open. Even if you live in the back woods you can find a place that is open. The reason I talk about nightime ideas is because some people write (or don't write) at night.
The whole reason for walking is to focus the mind on something else, not writing. When you walk pay attention to the environment - listen to the birds or the crickets and really listen. Listen to the way it sounds and what else it sounds like.

Escape your life and think, you must free your mind. You may think your problem is that your mind is empty, likely your mind is fixed on some issue, some distraction. Think about the worst thing that could happen if you were to let your thoughts be carefree, is that worth blocking your creativity? Make your mind empty then for sure your mind will flow with all kinds of thoughts, you just might suprise yourself!

Look at the sky or the stars and try to fathom the largeness of the universe. What is in the night air, what does it remind you of? If you can see clouds, what do they look like? - people, boats, dragons, beautiful women, mystical figures? Smell the air, is it cold, dry or hot and humid how would you describe it? Look around, What color does that remind you of, who wears that color alot? what kind of actor would wear that color alot? let your mind run free, exhale your hangups and let in the ideas.

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