
twink from recommended: "you know what else helps sometimes? when you put on your favourite music and you just jump up and down and sing and play air gets your blood pumping and then you feel great and then you are in a better mood to write. it seems to help me... "

Doug related, "I experienced what I think *was probably* writer's block while writing a computer book last year. I think what it largely was was *fear*! But fear of what? I think when I began to be perfectionistic was when I had more trouble sitting down to write. I was helped by a librarian who told me that 'at least with non-fiction you can write down 10 things you absolutely want to say, and go from there.' I think the key thing does seem to be getting started. Ann Lamatt in 'Bird-by-bir ' talks about writing 'sh___ty first drafts.' "

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