Relevant Quotes

"If I say, 'surely the darkness will hide me, and night shall be my light' - For you darkness itself is not dark, and night shines as the day." [Psalm 139:11-12]

"He who survives those three days of darkness and horror will see himself as alone, because the earth will be covered with cadavers." [St Gaspar del Bufalo, founder of the Fathers of the Precious Blood, died 1837]

"When the moment of the last crisis has come, there will be nothing to do but to stay where God has placed us, lock ourselves indoors until the wrath of Divine Justice has passed." [Father Nectou, Jesuit provincial who was considered a saint and a prophet - died 1777]

"God will send two punishments: one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The others will be sent from Heaven. There shall come over the whole earth an intense darkness lasting three days and three nights. Nothing will be visible, and the air will be laden with pestilence which will claim mainly, but not only, the enemies of religion." [Blessed Anna Maria Taigi - died 1837 - a woman saint]

Madaleine: "Lord, I was afraid because I thought I was going blind ..." CHRIST: "Tell them that everyone on earth is like that - in darkness." [Revelations of the 'Glorious Cross' Dozule, France, 4th January 1974]

"We began hearing people say, 'Why is it getting dark at this hour? What's going on?' And so, therefore, I know that this darkness that's coming is going to be happening during the daytime when people are going to be confused at the hour in which it takes place."

"As I was prostrating myself in prayer a vista opened up in front of me. It looked like a colossal inferno. It was night (at least pitch dark), the ground was black, and what must have been the sky was a murkish reddish-orange glow, like a fire, although I did not see any tongues of flames. As I looked, I saw the silhouette of two or three groups of angels hoisting upwards a few, three or four, dead bodies. Directly behind the angels the color of the red-orange was very intense. ONLY A FEW! Then the vision ceases." [20th January, 1986 - an American scientist and seer, a refugee from communism in Europe]

"The judgment will come suddenly and be of short duration. Then comes the triumph of the Church and the reign of brotherly love. Happy indeed they who live to see those blessed days." [Father Bernard Maria Clausi, O.F.M. - died 1849]

Other sources include:

The Phoenix Liberator 5th May, 1992; 23rd June 1992.

Contact 24th May 1994; 7th March 1995.

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