In FLU's Clothing
Happy New Year From Our Controllers
OK, readers, "IT" is under way. The "flu" that turns into meningitis is on the prowl. It is so contagious that the patients with the diagnosed illness are being denied hospital stay or are being discharged (not shifted) as quickly as it is identified.
This was an intentional "invasion" set up for the Christmas Holiday season when people would be frantically running about to visit, share, infect, cross-infect, etc. The disease is particularly severe in the newly delivered mothers and pregnant. Physicians are finding a lack of response of the illness to antibiotics and even now to Vancomycin which was the LAST antibiotic HOPE. The organisms are now global in distribution and you can expect "colds" to become severe and disabling.
I have no patience for any of our people who become sick with this bastardized disease because you should have been taking your "stuff". Further, I would suppose that all our people have a reserve supply of colloids to counter the invaders at the doorway. If, however, you are sick and are treated without positive results, get onto colloids in heavy intake immediately. This organism is sent forth to sensitize the public in general and if you make it through THIS assault--the next one will be worse.
Onset is rapid, symptoms become severe with high fevers and SEVERE headaches. DO NOT PLAY WITH THIS AS IT IS A COCCUS CROSSED WITH A GENETICALLY ALTERED VIRUS AND WILL BE TOTALLY DEVASTATING. This will be a type of RETRO-virus which will move within other cells to preserve itself much like the HIV so it is imperative to rid the body early on or the person becomes a "carrier" and the illness will pop up when it pleases ever-after. It is extremely contagions and, if you have been exposed to ANYONE with acute symptoms or who, after being close to you, has come down with acute symptoms--take a heavy course of colloids and plenty of Gaiandriana to insure the viability of your IMMUNE SYSTEM. People, the antibiotics are in their final stages of phasing out as any help at all in controlling the combinant microbes involved here.
I ask that we get a goodly supply of backup colloids and Galas ready because I fear that most of the regularly prepared silver colloid will quickly be of no more value than the antibiotics. We will offer what we have but obviously we cannot supply the world in need. We won't even make an effort to do so. This is why the regular people who support us will have first run on the products--for we are not out to SAVE anything.
This particular microbe HYBRID is made to flourish in the compromised environment of alcohol users and smokers as the virus utilizes both the by-products of alcohol breakdown in the liver and tobacco processing ingredients in body break-down of those products. This of course is why the series of symptoms will become known as the "Holiday Syndrome". It was set for and released to coincide with the "Holiday Season" to insure its ability to spread widely and take hold and mutate in order to hold on and incubate or become an indwelling viral-TYPE microbe.
Most people will get through this initial assault but will be subsequently at serious risk. This microbe will also seek out and become luggaged within parasites to avoid the direct assault of any treatment modality. Again, I cannot know what all is at stake here or even exactly what is introduced into the larger populations - but this is the beginning of the END for antibiotic-treatable disease. Each outbreak will be greater and deadlier than its antecedent. The microbe WILL MUTATE with each HOST.
If you consider that I bring and teach FEAR—now is the time to assume that I certainly MEAN TO OFFER EXACTLY THAT. If you are not scared to near-death and are lacking all forms of panic--YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!! Even in this early form the symptoms will linger for a very long time and recur at random. Use your head and treat yourself WELL with rest and good fluid intake and TAKE YOUR AVAILABLE TOOLS FOR GOOD HEALTH. DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH THE BABIES-GET THEIR COLLOIDS AND OTHER GAIAS INTO THEM WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT--THEIR VERY LIVES DEPEND ON PARENTAL INTELLIGENCE NOW. I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE ME OR HATE ME-- YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR LIVES, PARENTS, AND NOW IS TIIE TIME TO ATTEND THEM FOR THEY ARE AT THE GREATEST RISK WHEN OUT AMONG INFECTORS.
The good part is that with THIS spread the microbe does not remain viable on surfaces exposed to air for a very long period of time. I suggest a wipe-off of drinking glasses rims and, if you can do so, use disposable cups and simply burn in the fireplace. Wipe off areas of contamination frequently with a bit of spray-on colloid or dampen a paper-towel and wipe.
Other cleansing procedures are to simply apply commercial grade hydrogen peroxide as a decontaminant--and add [35%] food-grade hydrogen peroxide to drinking water. I also suggest that dishes, and foods which are washed and especially uncooked, be immersed in a hydrogen peroxide bath. The microbes might not last long but they are made to adhere tenaciously to surfaces and since they come with flu and cold symptoms - the hands are always contaminated from the mouth, nose, etc.
Supply your family members with items, give them a written outline and then, so be it, for I can't have Dharma, E.J., etc., out treating or mingling with the sick lest we have no contact with me. It is time for parents and people to get RESPONSIBLE. I am not interested in your "druthers" or your lazy habits - take care of your children for God is not going to do so FOR YOU. We offer the "way"--you will do it or it will not be done! I am not in the product business--but I am into the responsibility of telling you how it IS. What YOU do is none of my business!
We are NOT in the business of medicine. We may offer you a "treat" but we will NOT GIVE YOU A TREATMENT! You do whatever you want about yourselves but it most certainly is NOW TIME TO ATTEND THE POSSIBILITIES OF RIGHT NOW! THE FULL "PLAN" IS FOR YOU TO AGAIN CROSS-CONTAMINATE ON NEW YEAR' S AS YOU PARTY AND MINGLE since, for most, the thought of staying home and attending yourselves quietly and in protection is unacceptable--so, good luck.
All of you must also understand that there is no way we can just give the "stuff" away for it is expensive to make and funds are simply not available to cover it and stay open at all. Now it comes back to cause us to face the damaging FACTS from those who used, abused and thieved from us for we are LIMITED in ability to produce in quantity large enough to serve the needs of the "whole" but we will pour back into product all that we receive in purchases.
No, other places DO NOT have what we have and, in addition, I must have you understand the ongoing need of Gaiandriana to get the other things, i.e. colloids, into those cells within your bodies.
I realize that a lot of you assume that because you know me and I know you that protection will somehow just rub off onto you. NO IT WILL NOT! I CAN ONLY SUGGEST AND OFFER, NO LESS AND CERTAINLY I HAVE NO WISH OR RIGHT TO DO MORE.
THERE IS NO WAY IN YOUR LANGUAGE TO EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU HOW SERIOUS A THING IS COME UPON YOU! Moreover, it is structured to not cause early panic and be buried in distractions while it takes a firm hold on you. YOU ARE WARNED--AGAIN--WHICH IS ALL THAT I CAN DO.
I WILL NOT ALLOW MY PEOPLE TO CONFRONT REGULATORS FOR YOUR FOOLISH ACTIONS SHOULD YOU CHOOSE TO UNWISELY ADVERTISE OR TOUT ANYTHING WE OFFER. SO, I REPEAT: WE ARE NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF MEDICINES, DRUGS, CURES, TREATMENTS OR LEGAL QUESTIONABILITY ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. We have some products available which may help you have a better feeling of well-being and provide some enhancement of better health. We do not "advertise" anything other than this. These products have been researched and found by others to be a positive addition and are totally natural in every way and totally harmonious and compatible with any and all "medications" as medically prescribed. Silver colloid was the medical treatment of choice for infections prior to the presentation of the modern antibiotics. It does not build allowance for "resistance" EXCEPT THAT THE CURRENT VIRUSES AND BACTERIA ARE UPGRADED IN STRENGTH DUE TO THEIR GENETIC STRUCTURING WHICH REQUIRES A HIGHER "FREQUENCY" THAN IS FOUND IN THE ORDINARY PRODUCTION PROCEDURES OF COLLOIDALIZING SILVER.
Readers and listeners: Please, we are not interested in serving even the greater "masses". We would wish we could do that but we cannot so please take care in your own advertising. We will try to serve any who ask but we do have some limitations until we can upscale (which is a rather measured capability for us). By this caution, I mean that we have no intention of high-profile advertising in major media or press. Nobody else has what we offer or ability to make what we have and we intend it to remain exactly that way. Salu.
2 JANUARY 1996
The CONTACT Newspaper
[2002 update: Although this does not appear to be available any more, there may be more advanced formulations in process - write Mission St Michael for an update]
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