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More poems about Lakes & Rivers

Every mighty river, every gurgling stream or little rill,
Makes their way somehow the seas and oceans to fill
Constantly with much water every second day and night,
Yet except for moon phases it stays at the same height!

We know there is evaporation happening every day,
Yet still it rains as much at sea as on earth they say,
So why does it not all spill over like it should do
Please explain this phenomenon to me please could you?

Maybe there are cracks in the seas crusts far, far below
And water leaks out, into the earth’s core it does go.
But why is there water left if that is the real case?
Then there would be just dry land all over the place.

All fresh water lakes has water flowing in and out again,
For the level to change a bit is always there quite plain,
But there seems no way out for the water to flow the sea
So I think it will have to remain just a mystery to me.

(Millicent) Ann Margetson 1 July 2006