Courses Taught by Peter van der Goes
Rose State College
Spring 2002
Hi! My name is Peter van der Goes and this page is about some of the CIT courses I teach at Rose State College. The page is designed primarily to provide my students (present and future) with information about ongoing and planned courses. So, if you surfed here on a whim, feel free to browse. If you are a student at Rose State College, I hope you will find the information you came to get. If not, please feel free to e-mail me at any of the addresses below with your request.
About me:
If you must know more about me, download the short bio here.
About Rose State College:
We have a web page. <-Please use the hot link here for official information on Rose State College This page gets better each semester, providing more and more online services to our students and faculty. >I teach at Rose State because, as an old guy, I find the atmosphere and contact with the students invigorating. As a systems professional emeritus, it gives me an opportunity to investigate new things, then share my knowledge with others. Of course the $$ is a consideration, but the positive, friendly attitudes I encounter in fellow instructors and students make it all worthwhile.
CIT 1123 - Visual Basic(Spring 2002, BS203, M-W-F (A Week), 12:10 pm)
CIT 1143 - Structured COBOL (Spring 2002. CANCELLED)
CIT 1173 - C++ Programming (Spring 2002. BS203, M-W, 1:25 pm and T-R 8:30 pm)
CIT 1613 – Intro to Java Programming (TBA)
CIT 2613 – Advanced Java Programming (Spring 2002. CANCELLED)
CIT 2123 - Advanced Visual Basic ( Spring 2002 Place/Time: BS 215, T-R, 7:05 pm)
CIT 2173 - Windows Programming in C++ (Spring 2002. Place/Time: BS 215, M-W, 7:05 pm)
CIT 1293 - Oracle ( Spring 2002 Place/Time: BS 203, M-W, 5:40 pm)
If you wish to contact me, please use one of the E-mail addresses below or visit during my office hours: