Rose State College Faculty Web Page

Courses Taught by Peter van der Goes

Rose State College

Spring 2002

Hi! My name is Peter van der Goes and this page is about some of the CIT courses I teach at Rose State College. The page is designed primarily to provide my students (present and future) with information about ongoing and planned courses. So, if you surfed here on a whim, feel free to browse. If you are a student at Rose State College, I hope you will find the information you came to get. If not, please feel free to e-mail me at any of the addresses below with your request.

About me: If you must know more about me, download the short bio here.

About Rose State College: We have a web page. <-Please use the hot link here for official information on Rose State College This page gets better each semester, providing more and more online services to our students and faculty. >

I teach at Rose State because, as an old guy, I find the atmosphere and contact with the students invigorating. As a systems professional emeritus, it gives me an opportunity to investigate new things, then share my knowledge with others. Of course the $$ is a consideration, but the positive, friendly attitudes I encounter in fellow instructors and students make it all worthwhile.

Courses: Here you will find course descriptions, syllabi (If I wrote them), current semester homework and project assignments, supplemental information sources and test schedules. In addition, you will find information on new courses scheduled to be offered in the near future.

CIT 1123 - Visual Basic(Spring 2002, BS203, M-W-F (A Week), 12:10 pm)

CIT 1143 - Structured COBOL (Spring 2002. CANCELLED)

CIT 1173 - C++ Programming (Spring 2002. BS203, M-W, 1:25 pm and T-R 8:30 pm)

CIT 1613 – Intro to Java Programming (TBA)

CIT 2613 – Advanced Java Programming (Spring 2002. CANCELLED)

CIT 2123 - Advanced Visual Basic ( Spring 2002 Place/Time: BS 215, T-R, 7:05 pm)

CIT 2173 - Windows Programming in C++ (Spring 2002. Place/Time: BS 215, M-W, 7:05 pm)

CIT 1293 - Oracle ( Spring 2002 Place/Time: BS 203, M-W, 5:40 pm)

If you wish to contact me, please use one of the E-mail addresses below or visit during my office hours:

Office Hours for Spring



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