Kessington Christian School

Policies and Information

Last updated 6/4/2000

Objectives | Statement of Faith
Dress Code | ADD/ADHD Policy | Absentee Policy

Knock and the Door shall be opened plaque

Our Objective

We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God, and the Bible admonishes us " train up a child in the way he should go". [Proverbs 22:6] God has revealed to us through his word that the primary responsibility for the education of children rests with their parents. [Deut. 4:9, 6:7, 31:13; Psalm 78:6-8; I Sam. 3:13; and many more]

A Christian school is an extension of the Christian home in training young people in a Christian environment for time and eternity. The school staff works closely with parents to train the whole child. It is with this in mind that the Kessington Community Church Christian School was established. This school will offer the regular course of study but with instruction from a definitely Christian viewpoint.

The goal of this school is to train youth of every ability in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, good citizenship, and the best academic training possible.


Statement of Faith

Realizing that no matter what our intellectual achievement, as important as that is, the only way we canplease God is in accepting Him and what He has done for us with FAITH, we herewith list these principles of faith that our school will teach.

  • We believe the Scriptures are a compliation of 66 books spanning a period of more than 5,000 years which were verbally inspired by God to many authors, without error in the original writings, and are the supreme and final authority.
  • We believe in one omnipotent God and in His nature are three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and these three share the same attributes eternally.
  • We believe in the pre-existence, incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, substitutionary death, bodily resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and the imminent second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that Christ is consistant in his desire throughout the Church Age to be manifested through his born again followers and is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
  • We believe that man was created in the image of God, but man's sin incurred physical and spiritual death and loss of authority and separates all who are of the age of accountability from God for all times except through salvation.
  • We believe that salvation is received by grace through the acceptance of Jesus Christ for the atonement of one's sins as their personal Savior with a commitment to God's will in their life on the authority of Christ's shed blood on Calvary.
  • We believe in the power of prayer and God's love manifested through His church (Christ's born again followers).


Dress Code


Our outward appearance is a reflection of our hearts and minds. I Corinthians 6:19,20 states that the Christian body... "is the temple of the Holy Ghost..." Through our clothing and hair styles, we either draw attention to ourselves or we... "glorify God..."
In a day of slovenly and careless dress, it is expected that our students dress appropriately and modestly at all times as a part of our Christian testimony. I Samuel 16:7 states that "...Man looketh on the outward appearance..." It is the school's firm belief that Christian young people must dress and act differently than the world. In order for students to mature spiritually, the teaching of biblical separation is a vital part of the school's program.

General Standards

Anything that the administration considers to be a fad, shabby, or extreme in hair styles, dress or general appearance for young men and women, will not be permitted. Girls and boys should keep hair combed away from the eyes. Good grooming also requires washing hair regularly. any article of apparel that is not considered appropriate to the occasion will be checked by the administration respectfully and approved or disapproved. Appropriate dress for field trips and atheletic activities will be specifically stated before such events.

Some Specific Rules

    • No blue jeans
    • No shorts (grades 4-12)
    • No T-shirts
    • No pictures or wording that is suggestive, obscene or offensive
    • No noisy shoes
More specific rules can be obtained by contacting the administration.



Due to the time and attention requirements of ADD and ADHD students, we limit the number of students admitted into each classroom. Acceptance of additional ADD/ADHD students is based on successful transition into the individual classroom. If the teacher(s) fell that they have reached a maximum number for effective teaching, then additional students will be admitted only when an opening is available.

Admittance of all special situations will be on a probationary status only. Continued enrollment will be based on the behavior, attendance, and degree of successfulness of each individual student. Those students who fail to exhibit any degree of achievement for themselves or those who create a disruptive atmosphere that inhibits other students may be asked to seek other facilities where they may achieve more success.


Absentee Policy

The school will appreciate a call from the parents if the student is absent because of illness. a note is required from the parents upon the student's return explaining the reason for the absence.

If an absence is to be excused for a reason other than issness, a note must be written by the parent to the school requesting permission for the absence. Work to be missed must be made up or arrangements made before the student leaves. Arrangements for this must be made with the student's teacher(s) after permission is secured.

Having once arrived at school, no student will leave before dismissal time without permission from a staff member. If the student takes it upon themselves to break this rule, a conference with the parents or guardians is required before the student will be permitted to return. The policy on attendance/absenteeism will be strictly enforced. Absences without a note will receive an appropriate number of demerits. KCS endeavors to be fair in dealing with absences approved by the parents or guardians. However, habitual absences may necessitate further inquiry by the school board. Additional action, if any, will be determined at that time. Such actions may extend as far as dismisal from school.


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