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List of Publications

by Valerio Allegranza

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Sulla nozione di ‘quantificazione ristretta’ in logica e nella teoria grammaticale" [= On the notion of ‘restricted quantification’ in logic and grammatical theory], Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, 8,  vol. of year 1983 (published in 1986), pp. 3-64.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, P. Bennett, J. Durand, F. van Eynde, L. Humphreys, P. Schmidt and E. Steiner, "Linguistics for Machine Translation: The Eurotra Linguistic Specifications", in: C. Copeland, J. Durand, S. Krauwer and B. Maegaard, eds., The Eurotra Linguistic Specifications. Vol. 1 of Studies in Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing, Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1991.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, S. Krauwer and E. Steiner, "Introduction" (to a special double issue on the Eurotra project), Machine Translation, 6 (2), 1991, pp. 61-71.

Ø       * J. Durand, P. Bennett, V. Allegranza, F. van Eynde, L. Humphreys, P. Schmidt and E. Steiner, "The Eurotra Linguistic Specifications: An Overview", Machine Translation, 6 (2), 1991, pp. 103-147.

Ø       * V. Allegranza and A. Bech, "A Treatment of Unbounded Dependencies in Eurotra with an Experimental Coindexation Tool", Machine Translation, 6 (3), 1991, pp. 171-182.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Translation fills the gaps: a new approach to unbounded dependencies", in: F. van Eynde, ed., Linguistic Issues in Machine Translation. Pinter, London, 1993.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Le forme dell'Interlingua. Osservazioni sui modelli linguistici della traduzione automatica" [= Patterns of the Interlingua. Remarks on the linguistic models of machine translation], Sistemi Intelligenti, 5 (1), 1993, pp. 121-157.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Prospettive della traduzione automatica su base linguistica" [= Perspectives of linguistically based machine translation], Lingua Franca - Rivista della Scuola Universitaria di Lingue Mediterranee, 1, 1994, pp. 93-103.

Ø       * F. Van Eynde and V. Allegranza, eds., Semantics and Discourse. Vol. 9 of Studies in Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing, Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1995.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Formal semantics for natural language: a non-technical overview", in: Van Eynde and Allegranza 1995 [see above].

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Discourse Representation Theories", in: Van Eynde and Allegranza 1995 [see above].

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "On unification grammars for natural language processing", in: SIMAI '96 – Sommari/Abstracts, Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale, Roma, 1996.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Determiners as Functors: NP Structure in Italian", in: S. Balari and L. Dini, eds., Romance in HPSG. Vol. 75 of CSLI Lecture Notes, CSLI Publications, Stanford University, 1998.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "Determination and Quantification", in: F. van Eynde and P. Schmidt, eds., Linguistic Specifications for Typed Feature Structure Formalisms. Vol. 10 of Studies in Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing, Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1998.

Ø       * V. Allegranza and G. Mazzini, Linguistica generativa e grammatiche a unificazione [= Generative linguistics and unification grammars]. Paravia, Torino, 2000.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, "La scatola nella penna. Tradurre a macchina" [= The box in the pen. Translating by machine], in: D. Voltolini, ed., L'artefice aggiunto. Trenta scritti sulla traduzione. Vol. 7 of I dossier dell’Indice, supplement to L’Indice dei libri del mese, 18 (5), 2001.

Ø       * V. Allegranza, The Signs of Determination. Constraint-Based Modelling Across Languages.  Vol. 16 of SABEST – Saarbrücker Beiträge zur Sprach- und Translationswissenschaft, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2007.

N.B. This page is reserved for my 'official' publications with an ISBN or ISSN number. I'm also the author of more informal literature not included here, such as unpublished lecture notes, project reports, or working papers which circulated within the scientific community, and I might provide a separate page about them in future.



*                   publication in English


*                   publication in Italian (but an English translation of the title is also provided for convenience)


Title                volume that I have (co-)authored or (co-)edited


*                         link to page with more information (e.g. brief abstract)


              link to page with more information and related paper available for download.

Copyright © Valerio Allegranza (except where otherwise stated)
Last modified: November 2008