
Mark Twain is one of the greatest athors of all time. The following are some quotes by Mark Twain on the subject of humor.

The funniest things are the forbidden.
- Notebook, 1879

Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.
- Mark Twain, a Biography

Humorists of the 'mere' sort cannot survive. Humor is only a fragrance, a decoration.
- Mark Twain's Autobiography

The humorous writer professes to awaken and direct your love, your pity, your kindness-your scorn for untruth, pretension, imposture....He takes upon himself to be the week-day preacher.
- Notes on Thackeray's Essay on Swift

Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.
- Following the Equator

The foundation of humor is seriousness, gravity. Contrast is what brings out humor.
- Mark Twain

Humor must not professedly teach, and it must not professedly preach, but it must do both if it would live forever.
- Mark Twain in Eruption

The secret source of Humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.
- Following the Equator

Laughter without a tinge of philosophy is but a sneeze of humor. Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.
-Mark Twain and I, Opie Read

The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it.
- How to Tell a Story

Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.
- The Mysterious Stranger

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.
- What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us

Humor is the good natured side of a truth.
- Mark Twain and I, Opie Read

Humor must be one of the chief attributes of God. Plants and animals that are distinctly humorous in form and characteristics are God's jokes.
- Mark Twain, a Biography

I have had a "call" to literature, of a low order- i.e. humorous. It is nothing to be proud of, but it is my strongest suit, & if I were to listen to that maxim of stern duty which says that to do right you must multiply the one or the two or the three talents which the Almighty entrusts to your keeping, I would long ago have ceased to meddle with things for which I was by nature unfitted & turned my attention to seriously scribbling to excite the laughter of God's creatures. Poor, pitiful business! Though the Almighty did His part by me- for the talent is a mighty engine when supplied with the steam of education,- which I have not got, & so its pistons & cylinders & shafts move feebly & for a holiday show & are useless for any good purpose...You see in me a talent for humorous writing, & urge me to cultivate, when editors of standard literary papers in the distant east give me high praise, & who do not know me & cannot of course be blinded by the glamour of partiality, that I really begin to believe there must be something in it...I will drop all trifling, & sighing after vain impossibilities, & strive for a fame-unworthy & evanescent though it must of necessity be-if you will record your promise to go hence to the States & preach the gospel when circumstances shall enable you to do so? I am in earnest. Shall it be so?
- Letter to Orion Clemens, 10/19 & 10/20/1865

So you see, the quality of humor is not a personal or a national monopoly. It's as free as salvation, and, I am afraid, far more widely distributed. But it has its value, I think. The hard and sordid things of life are too hard and too sordid and too cruel for us to know and touch them year after year without some mitigating influence, some kindly veil to draw over them, from time to time, to blur the craggy outlines, and make the thorns less sharp and the cruelties less malignant.
- "A Humorist's Confession", New York Times, 11/26/1905

I pity the fellow who has to create a dialect or paraphrase the dictionary to get laughs. I can't spell, but I have never stooped to spell cat with a 'k' to get at your funny bone. I love a drink, but I never encouraged drunkenness by harping on its alleged funny side.
- Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field, Fisher

...humor cannot do credit to itself without a good background of gravity & of earnestness. Humor unsupported rather hurts its author in the estimation of the reader.
- Letter to Michael Simons, 1/1873

Probably there is an imperceptible touch of something permanent that one feels instinctively to adhere to true humour, whereas wit may be the mere conversational shooting up of "smartness" - a bright feather, to be blown into space the second after it is launched...Wit seems to be counted a very poor relation to Humour....Humour is never artificial.
- quoted in Sydney Morning Herald, 9/17/1895

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