The Total
Substitute Teacher's

Welcome to The Total Substitute Teacher's Page. This page contains links, ideas, goodie bag ideas, worksheet, fill ins, and valuable information on Substitute Teaching. I hope it will be of help to everyone.

Online Substitute Teacher's Meetings

I host an online meeting for Substitute Teachers. The meeting takes place on the third Monday of each month at 9:00pm until 10:00pm eastern time at Teachers Net website in the meeting room. This meeting is for helping one another with ideas and suggestions. For the date of the next meeting look at the calendar to the left. Please try to join in next month's meeting. Just click on the words "Online Sub. Teacher's Meeting.
Online Sub. Teacher's Meeting


In this section are ideas that will be of help to Substitute Teachers. If you have an idea you would like to submit just email me at and I will add your idea to the list.

1. Write your name on the board.
2. Try to arrive about 30 minutes early to check in and look over the lesson plans and classroom.
3. Make sure the students know what you expect from them.
4. If need be, go over the classroom rules and consequences and be consistent with them.
5. Meet the teachers in the classrooms around you so if you need them for any reason they will help.
6. Have a discipline plan of your own just in case you need it. Sometimes what works for the Regular Classroom Teacher does not necessarily work for the Substitute Teacher.
7. At the end of each day have a time where you can go over announcements and review.
8. Circle Time: A time where the students and the Substitute Teacher can just talk about the day.
9. Leave a note about the day for the Teacher. I use a Substitute Worksheet.
10. When you give an assignment....put up more than the teacher asked for...tell them if they are quiet you will erase they work, erase problems until you are back at the teachers original assignment.(by:Cari Mitzman)

Goodie Bag Ideas

Here are some ideas for one's goodie bag. Things that one can take to the classroom to help one make it through the day. I hope this helps. If you have an idea that you would like to share please email me at

1. whistle
2. word searches
3. color sheets
4. books for reading
5. pens and pencils
6. crossword puzzles
7. grade appropriate worksheets
8. flash cards
9. appropriate videoes
10. games(ones that can be done on chalkboard or verbally)
11. incentives
12. Substitute Worksheet
13. index cards
14. One's own lesson plans
15. Discipline Plan
16. stickers
17. grab bag
18. folder games
19. paper clips
20. stapler
21. A first aid kit for yourself not students.
22. extra pencils
23. poster board


This section will have games and ideas to fill in time gaps. There are always students that will finish their work early so one needs to have ideas to keep the students busy. If you have a filler you would like to share just email me at and I will add it to the list.

1. Name the state game
2. Hangman
3. The Quiet Game
4. Word Scramble
5. Heads Down Thumbs Up
6. Computer Time
7. Learning Centers
8. Story Starters
9. Put a picture on a piece of paper and have students write about the picture.
10. Fold a sheet of paper into sixths and give students instructions to put in the squares. For example, in the left middle square draw a smiley face.
11. Here is an idea for students to do while taking attendance/lunch count. Give each student an index card and have them put their names on the card and decorate.
12. Sequencing card game. I use comic strips.
13.A teacher named, Pat, sent this idea to me. She made a generic type game of Jeopardy using categories about the city she lives in, America, spelling,  famous people, colors, fruits and vegetables, numbers, and history that was appropriate for grades 3-5 and the kids loved it!

Substitute Worksheet

Here is a worksheet that either the teacher or the substitute teacher may fill out. The teacher can print this out for the sub folder. The sub may want to take this with them when they sub for the teacher. This will save both teacher and the sub time. It is just general information that the teacher may need about the day the sub filled in for them. Just click on the on the words below.

Substitute Worksheet