Mira Engelhart - 12/20/00 03:39:20 My Email:miro@northlink.com In a Law Program?: Was | Comments: I am a graduate of the program. The website keeps getting better and better as does PAY, you folks are doing great things. The community needs you. Mira Engelhart Superior Court Clerk Yavapai County |
Shawn Waite - 11/17/00 09:26:41 My URL:/SouthBeach/9066 My Email:waites@uswest.net In a Law Program?: No Interested in Yavapai?: went there 97-99 Quotable: You can't handle the truth! | Comments: Hi Folks! Just wondered how everyone at Yavapai was doing. Drop me a line if you have time. |
Carol Clark - 02/28/99 20:12:17 My Email:sparky@northlink.com In a Law Program?: no-I finished. Interested in Yavapai?: yes | Comments: The page looks great. PAY is really moving forward. |
Mira Engelhart - 10/13/98 04:31:24 My Email:miro@northlink.com In a Law Program?: Yes Interested in Yavapai?: Of course | Comments: Webmaster - This is great! I like the idea of being able to e-mail you an article for the PAY Newsletter. One thing great about this program is the ability to network. If anyone is having problems try and get a hold of one of the students who are near ng graduation or who have been around for a while -- I know it seems like forever sometimes. You must all congratulate yourselves as this is not any easy program, hang in there! Great PAY homepage Shawn!!!!! |
Mira Engelhart - 10/13/98 04:25:04 My Email:miro@northlink.com | Comments: |
Carol - 10/08/98 14:53:18 My Email:carol_kennedy@yavapai.cc.az.us In a Law Program?: yes | Comments: The site looks great and I think it is terrific to be able to view the guestbook! Thanks for all your hard work! See you at the PAY meetings! |
mary wagner - 09/30/98 02:47:28 My Email:mjwagner@wildapache.net In a Law Program?: yes | Comments: |
Cindy Lopez - 09/30/98 02:47:14 My Email:clope02@verdepo.yavapai.cc.az.us In a Law Program?: yes | Comments: |
Audrey Ligon - 09/30/98 02:47:06 My Email:talig@sedona.net In a Law Program?: yes Interested in Yavapai?: yes | Comments: |
mary wagner - 09/30/98 02:45:28 | Comments: |
Ron Ramsey - 09/30/98 02:45:17 My URL:http://cv.sedona.net My Email:ronbo@sedona.net In a Law Program?: Yes - adjunct faculty Interested in Yavapai?: Sure! Quotable: hiker | Comments: Site is a great addition for student interaction and study links! |
Mary "Mimi" Currier - 09/30/98 02:45:13 My URL:http://primenet.com/~azclu My Email:Currier@Sedona.net In a Law Program?: yes Interested in Yavapai?: already there | Comments: Suggested web site: Http://www.aclu.org |
Mark A. Jalving - 09/30/98 02:45:12 My Email:jalvingint@juno.com In a Law Program?: yes Interested in Yavapai?: Am enrolled | Comments: I'm lost half the time but I'm hangin' in. |
mary wagner - 09/30/98 02:44:16 | Comments: |
Cindy Lopez - 09/30/98 02:43:52 | Comments: |
Mark A. Jalving - 09/30/98 02:43:33 | Comments: |