Reviews by author
Ibsen, Henrik
- Brand (1866) (tr. Michael Meyer,
- Emperor and Galilean (1870) (tr. Michael Meyer,
- An Enemy of the People (1882) (tr. Eleanor
- Ghosts (1881) (tr. Michael Meyer, 1962)
- Hedda Gabler (1890) (tr. Una
Ellis-Fermor, 1950)
- Peer Gynt (1867) (tr. Michael Meyer,
- The Master Builder (1892) (tr.
Michael Meyer, 1961)
- The Pillars of the Community (1877)
(tr. Una Ellis-Fermor, 1950)
- The Pretenders (1864) (tr. Michael
Meyer, 1964)
- The Pretenders (1864) (tr. Evelyn
Ramsden & Glynne Wickham) (1962)
- The Wild Duck (1884) (tr. Una
Ellis-Fermor, 1950)
- The Wild Duck (1884) (tr. Michael
Meyer, 1962)
Iles, Francis
Innes, Hammond
Innes, Michael
Ionesco, Eugène
- The Chairs (tr. by David Watson)
(1954, translation 1958)
- The Lesson (tr. by David Watson)
(1954, translation 1958)
- Rhinoceros (tr. by Derek Prowse) (1959, translation 1960)
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Jakeman, Jane
James, Henry
Jardine, Lisa
Jay, Mike
Jecks, Michael
Jellett, Henry
Jenkins, Rebecca
Jerome, Jerome K.
Jerrold, Yvonne
Jeter, K.W.
Johnston, Paul
Jones, Diana Wynne
Jones, Martin
Jones, Michael
Jonson, Ben
Joyce, James
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