Reviews by author
Kadrey, Richard
Kafka, Franz
Kaiser, Ernst
- Translation of The Castle, by Franz
Kafka (with Willa and Edwin Muir, and Eithne Wilkins) (1926, 1951,
translation 1930, 1957)
Kay, Dennis
Kearney, Paul
Keegan, John
Keeley, Wayne J.
Kennedy, A.L.
Kennedy, William
Kent, Alexander
Kenyon, J. P.
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Katherine
Kerr, Philip
Kilmartin, Terence
- Translation of Albertine Disparue (1925, translation 1981), by Marcel Proust, as The Fugitive (with C.K. Scott Moncrieff)
- Translation of The Captive (1923, translation 1981) by Marcel Proust (with C.K. Scott Moncrieff)
- Translation of The Guermantes Way (1920, 1921, translation 1981), by Marcel Proust (with C.K. Scott Moncrieff)
- Translation of Sodome et Gomorrhe
(1921, 1922, translation 1981), by Marcel Proust, as Cities of
the Plain (with C.K. Scott Moncrieff)
- Translation of Swann's Way (1913,
translation 1981), by Marcel Proust (with C.K. Scott
- Translation of Time Regained, by
Marcel Proust (with C.K. Scott Moncrieff)
- Translation of Within A Budding
Grove (1919, translation 1981), by Marcel Proust (with C.K.
Scott Moncrieff)
Kimber, Rita
Kimber, Robert
King, Laurie R.
Kipling, Rudyard
Knodel, Arthur
Koestler, Arthur
Kreighbaum, Mark
Kuhn, Thomas S.
Kureishi, Hanif
Kyd, Thomas
Kyle, David A.
Kyle, Duncan
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