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- - - - > To Watch My Life. < - - - -

Copyright 1998 by Daniel Carriger

"Poetry's Meaning" (introduction)

"To Watch My Life" (title)

"The Darker Side Of Life" (Part 1 - covers anger, darkness...)

"My Other Sides" (Part 2 - covers love, from true love to confusion...)

"The Crazyness Of It All" (Part 3 - covers things from deep in mind...)

"I Will Always Love" (Part 4 - covers love at it's deepest, pure, raw...)

"The Aftermath" (Part 5 - covers what we choose not to think about...)

"Stained Glass" (Part 6 - covers vietnam veterans, homeless...)

"To Lose A Friend" (Part 7 - covers war, both the heros and the dead...)

"Without You" (Part 8 - covers the worst end of love, the pain...)

"Their Pain" (Part 9 - covers what our kids are forced to bare...)

"Left Behind" (Part 10 - covers love, and the lose of it...)

"Dark Lightness" (conclusion)

Email me at eldnac@geocities.com in the meantime.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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