Last update: 12-17-98

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Picture of the tower and the pink building on the base PIC1

A close up of the Sage radar dish PIC2

Another picture of the radar tower PIC3

Amplitron, located on the second floor of the tower PIC4

Inside the pink-radar building looking out at the tower PIC5

Inside the tower (3rd floor) just to the left is the pink room PIC6

Picture taken from the roof the tower. Just to the left, the Montauk light-house is visible. Note the red barn adjacent to the pink room, just left is where the bunker is located PIC7

Entrance to bunker PIC8

Overlook of the housing development on Camp Hero PIC9

Inside bunker, main hallway.PIC10

Another shot of inside bunker.PIC11

Door to lower level of bunker.PIC12

Main room to lower level. Due to poor lighting the picture is poor quality.PIC13

3rd floor in the radar tower. Although in the book "Montauk Project", Peter Moon makes no reference to what these machine do. Only the Amplitron (pic 4) is mention PIC14

More radar machinery from the 3rd floor.PIC15

3rd floor radar equipment.PIC16

More radar equipment.PIC17

Black and white picture of the radar tower, looking out from the Acid-housePIC18

Radar Building.PIC19

This picture show the condition and the hazards of some the buildings. The hole in the floor of the radar building is badly decayed. PIC20



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