Peer Helper Page

Hi, this is the School Counselor
On this site you will find advice about getting along with others at school.

Just for Fun:
Question: What is the only word in the dictionary that is spelled incorrectly?


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In the School Year, 2001-2002, we had eight Peer Helpers.
"Helpers" ran the school store, Pencil City, to earn money toward the Grade Five field trip.Students became a close support group for each other and role models of "The Five Step Plan" in our school.

In the School Year, 2000-2001, we had 24 Peer Helpers. We became a very good support group to each other and good role models for our school.

Our School Counselor / Mentor was very proud of all of us!!!

Over the last four years, Peer Helpers have answered a lot of questions
about student problems.

Questions we answered are





We have some news about getting along with others...
right here!!!

"Twenty years from now
you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do
than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."

-Mark Twain

Here is our adorable mascot, "Hammy".
A "Hallmark" card shoppe was giving this stuffed groundhog away.
Some of the people who work at our school decided to enter the contest.
The man who won the stuffed toy was told that our school mascot was a groundhog
and he very generously donated the toy to Hamilton School.

Please come back soon and visit this site!

Ta-da!!! Here we are in person!

This was our very first group of Peer Helpers.
[minus two who were absent when picture was taken]

Always have
an extra pencil nearby!

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