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Hello and welcome to "Blue". This is my attempt to build a homepage (my 4th one), that will not shame me while compared to other nice hompages in Geocities and the entire net.

Why "Blue" ?

The name "Blue" struck me while I was thinking about names for my homepage. It describes so many things but still is so simple. Blue is a color, but it also symbols freedom, hope, harmony, quiet and equality. You might think that I am crazy but think, what is the most quiet place on Earth and gives us hope but the sky ? What stands more for freedom and harmony then the sea ? And what are the two most equal things on this planet but the sky and the sea that existed for millions of years and will keep existing together ? Just think, blue is not just a color but a way of life....

What can 'one' find in "Blue" ?

In the "Blue" homepage, one can find my poetry, which I have been writing for almost 6 months now. If one desires, he can read book reviews of novels I have read and liked. If one wishes, he can also read the lyrics my favourite songs. If one wants, he can find midi's of nice songs and tunes that he or she can download. And if one really wants he can read stuff about me, the author of this homepage.

and please sign my guestbook....