The Roman Catholic Church - Holy Trinity

Roman Catholic Church - Holy Trinity

The second Roman Catholic Church

Holy Trinity Church has served as the place for Roman Catholic residents to practice their faith. The denomination has long been established in the town and is still practiced here today.

The town of Torbay has seen more than one church called 'Holy Trinity'. The first church was a small wooden one. It was built on the south side around 1930 (where the RC graveyard currently lies).

The building of the second Holy Trinity Church began in 1859. It was a stone church and the idea of building a new church came from the priest at the time - Reverend Edward Troy. Today, there is a trail along the bay cliffs of Torbay that is named after him. The cornerstone of the church was laid by Bishop J.T. Mullock on October 9, 1859. The church was consecrated on October 12, 1863.

The next church was built in 1919. It was a much large church than the second one and had a seating capacity of 660 people. During the construction of this church, the remains of Father Troy (who had passed away in 1872) were buried to a vault underneath the alter. The cornerstone of the third church was laid on August 8, 1919 by Archbishop E.P. Roche.

The wooden church was used until 1988 when it was finally closed because of structural concerns.The new Holy Trinity The present church was consecrated on June 21, 1992. It is a 9000 square feet building and can seat 440 in its main body and another 300 in its overflow areas. During the time of construction of this final church, mass and other celebrations took place at Holy Trinity Elementary cafeteria. When this church was constructed, the remains of Father Troy were placed back in the graveyard which had been adjacent to the first Holy Trinity Church, where he was originally buried.

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