April 1st, 2000

Hmm...let's see...which song is better, everyone? Just by these few words...

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all


When winter comes in summer
When there's no more forever
When lies become the truth
Well you know then baby
That's when I'll stop loving
That's when I'll stop loving you

Now that you all think I've absolutely lost it...I'll tell you why I'm asking. I'm trying to choose my wedding song. Yes, you heard that right, my wedding song. I, your happy-go-lucky journal/story writing friend, am getting married. The date hasn't been finalized, but we are very much in love and I'll be telling you about every step of the process...ok I may leave a FEW details out...don't know the ages of people reading! *wink*

And for those of you who don't know better...APRIL FOOL!!! *giggle* Yes, I'm more than a little silly on probably the dumbest little holiday of the year. Those were just the first two songs that popped into my head, so I decided to use them. Let's ignore the fact that they're both on ‘N Sync's new album, No Strings Attached (shameless plug). ;) They are both very beautiful songs that deserve every bit of recognition they can receive.

I realize I didn't talk much about what was going on in my personal life in my last entry, so I'm going to try to make up for that in this one. When it comes to my love life...*sigh*...can we say it's about as confusing as it can possibly get? Even I'm not sure how I feel about some things anymore. It's taking quite the toll on me, both physically and emotionally. I haven't been writing nearly as much lately, and my sleeping habits have been even more off the wall than usual. Writing has always been my escape, and for some reason I just can't seem to find the ways to get my feelings down on paper.

Speaking of...I may put up some of the lyrics I have written for you all to read. They are bits of my heart, and I'm hoping to someday get music written for them and possibly get them recorded. You never know...someday you may hear something I've written sung by one of your favorite artists!

Well, I've run out of things to say. Two entries back to back like this...I bet y'all don't know what to think, huh? Everyone take care, enjoy the springtime...I'll probably be pretty quiet til the beginning of June...after the semester is over, I'm going to a concert (May 14, Adelphia Coliseum, Nashville, TN), then I immediately go back to school for Intersession, a two and a half week cram course. I'm taking Studio Administration (a recording industry class) and Bowling. *laugh* Wish me luck!!

I'm signing off...
