We worship Yahweh through His Son Yahshua (Jesus) at this Site

1. Introduction to Patriarchal Marriage
2. A Standard for Love: A Parable
3. Objections to Polygamy -- the Secular Viewpoint
4. To Asia With Love: The Question of Creationism and Christian Polygamy Examined
5. Guidelines on Plural Marriage for Pastors
6. How it All Started: Polygamy in the Królewiec Family
7. Sex and Polygamy
8. Kasia Merezhkovska Kroléwieca: A Little of My Life as a Plural Wife
9. Family Life: Part 1
10. Polygamy and the Bible: Part 1
11. Eternal Plural Marriage
12. What the New Testament Says About Polygamy
13. Luther, the Anabaptists and Polygamy: A History
14. The Fate of the Anti-Polygamist
1. Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures of the Holy Order
2. The Second Book of Abraham
3. The Third Book of Abraham
4. The Letter of Judith to Biyqah
1. Cultural Acceptance vs. God's Truth
2. Romance in Polygamy
3. Questions about Intimacy
4. When was Polygamy First Made Illegal in Europe?
5. Leaving Father and Mother for Only One Wife? The Issue of "One Flesh"
6. Why Bother to Find Another Wife?
7. The Five Virgins Jesus Married
8. Is the Christian Church Ready for Polygamy?
9. The Children of Plural Marriage
10. The Difference Between Christian and Mormon Polygamy
11. The Anglican Church and Polygamy
12. Limitations on Who May Become a Polygamist
13. How Do I Become a Plural Wife?
14. How Do I Become a Polygamist Man?
15. How Did Monogamy Triumph in the West?
16. 1 Corinthians 7:39: Single Wives Only?
17. Sola Scriptura?
1. Interview with Kasia Merezhkovska Kroléwieca
2. Hélène Holtz, Prospective Polygamous Wife, Interviews Stanislaw Królewiec
3. Stanislaw Królewiec Interviews Sarah-Jane Berg
4. Anna Tychy Interviews Stanislaw Królewiec about Family Government
1. Is Polygamy a Sin? A Discussion with a Malaysian Christian Minister
2. Persecution of Polygamists & the Mishnah: A Discussion with a Semi-Retired Attorney
3. Time and Family Arrangements
1. Humour: Luigi Escapes from His Plural Wives (Warning! Contains nudity)
Recommendation of these sites does not imply
endorsement of all the materials they contain
1. PATRIARCHY WEBSITE, Israel C.S.Lim (based in Asia & officially linked to this site)
2. Sam Chapman's Polygamy Page (based in the United Kingdom)
3. God's Free Men and Women (first major polygamy website in the USA)
4. Truth Bearer (how to teach Christian polygamy to others & officially linked to this site)
5. Patriarchy Christian Website (Peter Melvyn)
6. Isaiah 4:1 - A Christian Polygamy Novel, the Prince of Sumba (+ useful information on tax)
7. Serve Yahweh (a Messianic Jewish polygamist perspective)
9. A Christian Polygamy Discussion Page (not presently functioning)
10. Three Coins (an American polygamous family page)
11. The Yahshuans (the polygamy page of an Australian group)
12. Othdodox Jewish Polygamy Site
13. Polygamy Discussion Forum (not presently functioning)
14. Practical Polygamy (an American polygamous family focusing on the practical side)
15. Religious Freedom, Polygamy and the Law (not presently functioning)
16. Women Can Win the Marriage Lottery (Bookzone)
17. Charles Rubenstein on Polygamy (not presently functioning)
18. How does polygamy benefit women? (a Muslim perspective)(not presently functioning)
19. Bigamy and Polygamy in Jewish Law (not presently functioning)
20. Women in Islam vs. Women in the Judeo-Christian Tradition
21. A Polygamy Poem (not presently functioning)
22. Polygamy and Mormon Persecution (Latter-day Saint History)(not presently functioning)
23. Foundation for the Study and Preservation of Patriarchy
24. Angeliz Patriarchal Truth Website
25. Patriarchal Truth Website (Matthew Chan Chee Keong)
26. Royston E. Potter's Polygamy Homepage (USA)
27. The Jeremiah Project (the destruction of children and women by feminism)
28. Christian Polygyny Site
29. Polygamy and You
31. ChristianPolygamy.com
32. The Christian Marriage Website
33. The World of Solomon: Polygamy
If anybody has any information on the "not presently functioning" pages
(e.g. new URLs) we would be pleased to hear from you
1. New Covenant Christian Ministries (for those seeking Christ and new believers)

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Stanislaw Królewiec
Lublin, Poland
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First created on 21 March 1998
Last updated on 14 August 1999

Copyright ©1998, 1999 Chavurah Bekorot, Sofia, Bulgaria