

Social Contract theory and history
the rules, what the rules should be, "the way things ought to be"

Good Message Boards

good debates, philosophy, politics, economics, social issues

Below are some good message boards which are easy to get into. You have to register, but it's easy and you can post right away. These ones are open to all viewpoints. They don't kick you off or censor you arbitrarily as long as you obey the reasonable rules of politeness, etc.

These boards let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good.

Libertarian-oriented. Proposals for freedom-lovers to all move to one state and try to "take it over." Philosophical arguments about how to pull this off and what should happen in the "free state" after they "take it over."

Another minor political party. Maybe the best. Has a "Convention Floor" (message board) which lets participants shape the party's policies/platform proposals. Not necessarily conservative or liberal or moderate or ----. Just seeking the best positions on all the issues. (Note: This message board has had technical problems which hopefully will be (or are) fixed.)

Perhaps a little flaky, this one. Kumbayah, sweetness and light, butterfly wings, etc. But open to all viewpoints. Proposes a new economic system without taxes or "usury". But you can disagree and offer your own theories.

Mostly libertarian. Lots of topics, easy to get lost.

More sites will be added to this list. This listing will be limited to high-quality message board sites only which allow easy access and are open to all viewpoints on the announced topics.

Here are some other pages/topics of interest:

Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S.


Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting?

Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong"

Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour?


Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship?


That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list.

OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc.


ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot.

WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West


Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.)

Shorter list of alternative political parties (These are some of the more serious ones.):

The Third Party

The Revolution

Constitutionalist Party

Multicapitalist Party

Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response.

click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links.

What makes elections legitimate? Even if the voting process is "fair," what legitimizes the offices to which candidates are elected? Why must there be "representatives" who enact "laws" which we must obey, or a "president" or other "executive" to enforce those laws on us?

Is direct democracy possible? Why shouldn't citizens be permitted to deal directly with issues, rather than having to be subject to "representatives" to speak for them? Is the system "fair" to a citizen who is dissatisfied with any of the choices offered on the ballot?

Know of any good alternative political platforms? I.e., something other than the old-fashioned, stale, worn-out Conservative vs. Liberal, "Moderate", Libertarian-Objectivist, Left-wing, Right-wing, Socialist, Populist political philosophies? Surely there is something better than these, something more rational (for thinking people).

Write your own political platform! and have it posted it in this website.

Or Click here for the "Best Political Platform"

How is a government justified? Is it right for the majority to impose its will onto the minority?

If some people don't want "democracy," is it right to impose it on them against their will? At the outset does "liberty" have to first be imposed by force? Is there any democratic government which was not first imposed by force in order to get it started?

Assuming that "free" elections are right for a society, why do we have to be put into "districts" and permitted to vote only for candidates designated for our assigned district?

Should the government be obligated to make everyone in the society/nation better off? Or is it appropriate for the government to serve a majority at the expense of a small minority, such as the rich?

Should those better off ("the have's") be required to sacrifice for the benefit of the "have-nots"?

Also, was slavery sometimes justified historically? In other words, did advancement of human civilization sometimes require instances of slavery?

Can there be a totally "fair" system or process? If not 100% fair, is 99% "fairness" possible? What is the least evil possible system? the least arbitrary? the most respectful of the minority, or dissenters, or the free will of individuals?

Anyone interested in such questions: add your comments to this page (click here).

Or go to the SocialContract.com Message Board and post your idea/argument/comment. Or use one of the high-quality message boards in the upper left column, then notify this site and we'll link to it here, and perhaps later copy that discussion into this page.

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