The Biggest Lies

The purpose of this site is to list some of the best examples of lies which are widely told and accepted by people, and to even rank these lies, with the biggest ones going at the top of the list.

For starters, here is the tentative list of lies:

1. There is a need to create jobs.

2. The trade deficit is bad for the economy.

3. Crime doesn't pay.

4. You can do anything you really want to do.

5. We cannot put a price tag on a human life.

6. Every human life is sacred.

7. Any person, from any backround, race, disability, or class of society can become rich or prominent. [submitted by]

8. The Founding Fathers would roll over in their graves if they could see . . .

9. With the exception of Native Indians, everybody in Canada (or U.S.A.) are immigrants. (

10. ?

What lie(s) would you like to list here? E-mail it (them) to Also click here.

All submissions will be listed if they meet the following two guidelines:

1) The lie in question really must be a lie. When you submit your lie to be listed, you might need to give a plausible argument to show that it is actually a lie. It doesn't have to be absolutely convincing, just an argument with a little merit.

2) This lie has to be one which is accepted or at least is promulgated by a large segment of society.

That's it. All lies submitted which meet the above will be listed here. They will be listed in order of how "big" they are, which means how well they meet the above criteria. The most important criterion is how widely accepted the lie is. The more widely accepted and promoted the lie is, the higher it will be on the list. And also, how false the lie is. The more false it is the higher it will go on the list.

Discussion is welcome on whether the listing is correct, i.e., on what the order should be of the lies. All the discussion will be posted. So if you want to argue that any of the listed lies should be higher or lower on the list, e-mail your argument to And click here.

Also send your argument if you think some of the listed "lies" are not really lies at all and do not belong on this list. All this discussion on the order of the lies will be posted on a separate page.

This website has only just started, so the list is extremely short. Send in your lies so we can increase the list.

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Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" Message Boards A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list.

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Extensive list of third parties

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The Third Party

The Revolution

Constitutionalist Party

Multicapitalist Party