The Crystal Star
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Welcome to My Web Site!

My name is KAZ*, I am an English woman, but have been living in France with my husband and our four wonderful *Star Children* since 1993. We live in an amazing house, which is very old, in a small country village. There is a 5 pointed star over the doorway and 8 ley lines which cross, directly below it...

I lead a very hectic life as a wife and mother, but also find the time to write a Newsletter/Ezine, called "In*Sync", and I have recently started a small business, called Elestrial's Dream, selling gemstone jewellery which has been empowered with Reiki. I am Reiki Master/Teacher and I am interested in all kinds of "Stuff" as you will see... if you care to take a look around!

I hope you enjoy your visit - if you do please come again, as I intend to update this site regularly. (Don't forget to tell your friends to come and visit me too!)

Love and lightbulbs

KAZ ~Elestrial~ Crystal Star Woman

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Copyright © 1998 Karen Bourner. All rights reserved.
Last revised:March 17, 2000.

 The Crystal Star