ET Wanderer Defined Includes polarity and density terms

Law of One Basics Unity, Love, Infinity concepts

MBS Complexes MBS Complex means Mind-Body-Spirit Complex

Magical Personality Work with aspects of the personality

Higher Self Lower self seeks Higher Self

Healing Concepts A brief overview

After Death/Rebirth Experience Life in Discarnate Form

Energy Transfer Polarity and sexual energy concepts for the evolution process.

Sexual Fusion ET Wanderer Experience



Wanderer is an entity from 4th density or higher who moves about
the universe according to the need to answer mental and prayful
calls for service from those of 3rd density, in the case of our Earth.
Wanderers can be called to service by any density, but when they answer
a call from 3rd density they must also go through the veil of forgetting
so that their service must be re-discovered during the incarnation in
order not to infringe upon the free will of the 3rd density Earth
population. Once this occurs, wanderers are Earth natives and must fulfill
all the requirements of 3rd density harvest in order to graduate from
this density. (from L/L Research)

Many wanderers are incarnate now on the Earth due to an intensive
need to lighten the planetary vibration and thus aid in the harvest.
The largest number of wanderers are of the 6th density. The desire,
for a wanderer to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity
of mind and what you may call bravery. The challenge or danger of the
wanderer is that he/she may forget his/her mission, become karmically
involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom of 3rd density distortion.
An entity which acts in a consciously unloving manner in action with
other beings can become karmically involved.

Due to the extreme variance between the vibratory distortions of
3rd density and those of the higher densities, wanderers have as a
general rule some form of handicap, difficulty, or feeling of alienation
which is severe. The most common of these dificulties are alienation,
the reaction against planetary vibration by personality disorders, and
body complex ailments indicating difficulty in adjustment to the planetary
vibrations such as allergies.

The wanderer has the potential of greatly accelerating the density whence
it comes in its progress in evolution. This is due to the intensive life experiences
and opportunities of the 3rd density. Thusly, the positively oriented wanderer
chooses to hazard the danger of the forgetting in order to be of service to others by
radiating love of others. If the forgetting is penetrated the amount of catalyst in 3rd density
will polarize the wanderer with much greater efficiency then shall be expected in the
higher and more harmonious densities.

The negatively oriented wanderer dares to hazard the forgetting in order that
it might accelerate its progress in evolution in its own density by serving itself
in 3rd density by offering to other-selves the opportunity to hear the information
having to do with negative polarization.

8-10% are aware of who they are.
35% feel they are not of this "insanity".
1/3 of the remainder are aware that something about them is different.
The Ra Material information makes sense to the first 45%.



Unity or oneness is from which all loves eminate.
The activity of unity in its free will is love coming into light.
Love uses light and has power to direct light in its distortions.

Free will and will power is based on the distortion of the
Law of One that the Creator will know Itself. Creator grants
for this knowing the concept of total freedom of choice in the
ways of knowing Itself. Creator will know Itself in an infinite
number of ways.

Love is a type of energy of high order which causes intelligent
energy to be formed from the potential of intelligent infinity in
just such and such a way. It is the great activator and primal
Co-creator of various creations using intelligent infinity.

Love is a pure vibration and is not physical in any way or in any
form or density. The first product of that vibration is a photon or
particle of light (love creating light). Each love comes from one
frequency, this frequency is unity: we liken it to a strength than a
frequency, this strength being infinite. Vibration is pure motion,
is pure love.

Unity can only become activated or potentiated intelligent infinty
due to the catalyst of free will.

A meaning for intelligent energy is the potential which then through
catalyst (free will) forms the kinetic. The will of love is as a

The process by which free will acts upon potential intelligent
infinity to become focussed intelligent energy takes place without

In each beginning there is the beginning from infinite strength.
Free will acts as a catalyst. Beings begin to form the universes.
Consciousness then begins to have the potential to experience.
The potentials of experience are created as apart of intelligent
energy and are fixed before experience begins.

Some portions of consciousness or awareness learn through experience
in a much more efficient manner which is a function of the will or the
attraction to the upward spiralling line of light.

In physical space/time--it being the function of consciousness
complexes to begin to use the physical materials to gain experience
to then polarize in a metaphysical sense. The potentials for this are
not created by the experiencer but by intelligent energy.

The gateway to intelligent infinity is born of the sympathetic
vibration in the balanced state accompanying the will to serve,
the will to seek.

We are aware of life in infinite capacity. There are infinite forms,
infinite understandings, but the progression is one.

Densities are the basic levels or dimensions of creation formed of light,
with each succeeding densities being more "densely packed" with light.
There are 7 densities in number in each octave of creation, with the 8th
density of the present creation equaling the 1st density of the next cycle
of evolution of the Creator.

Progression of Densities, 1st -7th
1. In a planetary environment all begins in what you would call chaos,
energy undirected and random in its infinity. Slowly there forms a focus
of self-awareness. The 1st density is the density of consciousness, the
mineral and water life upon the planet learning from fire and wind the
awareness of being.
2. To progress to greater awareness the 1st dimensional beingness strives
towards the 2nd density lessons of a type which includes growth rather than
dissolution or random change. The lower 2nd density being begins to move
about within and upon its being. This movement is the characteristic of
2nd density, the striving towards light and growth such as a leaf striving
towards the source of light.
3. The 2nd density strives towards the 3rd density which is the density
of self-consciousness or self-awareness. The striving takes place through
the higher 2nd density forms (higher primates or pets) who are invested
by 3rd density beings with an identity to the extent that they become
self-aware mind-body complexes, thus becoming mind-body-spirit complexes
and entering 3rd density, the first density of consciousness of spirit.
The Earth is now 3rd density in its beingness of mind-body-spirit complexes.
It is now in a space/time continuum, 4th density and this is causing a
somewhat difficult harvest or progression towards becoming a 4th density



How MBS Complexes originate.

1. Consciousness being first, in 1st density without
movement, a random thing--is Mind-Body Complex and recognizing
always that in the simplest iota of this complex exists
in its entirety One Infinite Creator.
2. This MB Complex in 2nd density discovering the growing
and turning towards the light, awakening the spirit complex
that which intensifies the upward spiraling towards the love
and light of the Infinite Creator.
3. The addition of this spirit complex, though apparent
rather than real, it having existed potentially from the beginning
of space/time, perfects itself by graduation into 3rd density.
When the MBS Complex becomes aware of the possibility of service
to self or other-self, then the MBS Complex is activated.

Each MBS Complex is a unique portion of the One Creator.
Mind is a complex which reflects the in-pourings of body complex.
It contains feelings, emotions and intellectual thoughts in its more
conscious complexities. Further down the tree of mind is the intuition
which is of the nature of the mind more in contact or in tune with the
total being-ness complex.

Further down to the roots of mind we find the progression of
consciosness which gradually turns from the personal to the racial
memory, to the cosmic influxes and thus becomes a direct contactor
of that shuttle which we call the spirit complex.

Spirit complex is the channel whereby the in-pourings from all the
various universal, planetary, and personal in-pourings may be funneled
to the gateway of intelligent infinity through the balanced intelligent
energy of body and mind.

Mind, body and spirit are inextricably intertwined and cannot continue,
one without the other. Thus we refer to the MBS complex rather than
attempting to deal with them separately, for the work that you do during
your experiences is done through the interaction of these 3 components
and not through any one.

Each MBS Complex contains experiential distillations which are
in total the violet ray being-ness of each entity.



Three aspects of the magical personality are stated to be power,
love and wisdom in developing of the magical personality.

The disciplines of the personality are the paramount work of any who
have become consciously aware of the process of evolution.

The heart of the discipline of the personality.
1. Know your self.
2. Accept your self.
3. Become the Creator.

Step three, become the creator, when accomplished, renders one the most
humble servant of all, transparent in personality and completely able
to know and accept other-selves.

The magical working of the personality involves the adept in knowing
its self, and thus clearing the path towards the great indigo gateway
to the Creator. To become the Creator is to become all that there is.

Calling inner plane angels and guides.
Adepts are full of will, of seeking, of concentration, of
conscious knowledge of the calling. The efficacy of the calling
is a functioning of magical qualities of those who call--their
desire to seek the altered state of consciousness desired.
A humble love of self as Creator.

There are inherent difficulties of manipulating the finer forces of
of consciousness through the chemical apparatus of the yellow ray
activated body.

As the consciousness of the indigo ray becomes more crystalline,
more work may be done. More may be expressed from intelligent infinity.

Those who are the service to others path may call upon the light
strengh in direct proportion to the strength and purity of their will to
serve. Those upon the service to self path may call upon the dark
strength in direct proportion to the strength and purity of their will to serve.

In the magical personality desire, will and polarity are the keys.



The Higher Self, that self which exists with full understanding of the accumulation
of experiences of the entity, aids the entity in achieving healing of the experiences
which have not been learned properly and assists in further life experience programming.

The Higher Self aspect is aware of the lessons learned through the 6th density.
The progress rate is fairly well understood. The choices which must be made to
achieve the Higher Self as it is are in the provenance of the MBS Complex itself.

Thus the Higher Self is like the map in which the destination is known, the
roads being designed by intelligent infinity working through intelligent energy.
However, the Higher Self aspect can program only for the lessons and certain
predisposing limitations if it wishes. The remainder is completely the free choice
of each entity. There is the perfect balance between the known and the unknown.

The Higher Self is of a certain advancement within 6th density going into 7th density.
After the 7th density has been well entered the MBS Complex becomes so totally a
MBS Complex Totality that it begins to gather spiritual mass and approach the octave
density. Thus the looking backwards is finished at this point.

There is a dimension in which time does not have sway. In this dimension, the
MBS Complex in its eternal dance of the present may be seen in totality, and before
the MBS Complex which then becomes a part of the Social Memory Complex is
willingly absorbed into the allness of the One Creator, the entity knows itself in its totality.

This MBS Complex Totality functions as a resource for the Higher Self. The Higher Self,
in turn, is a resource for examining the distillations of 3rd density experience and programming
further experience. This is also true of densities 4, 5, and 6 with the MBS Complex Totality
coming into consciousness in the course of 7th density.

The MBS Complex Totality is that which may be called upon by the Higher Self
aspect just as the MBS Complex calls upon the Higher Self. In the one case you
have a structured situation within the space/time continuum with the Higher Self having
available to it the totality of experiences which have been collected by an entity and a
very firm grasp of the lessons to be learned in this density.

The MBS Complex Totality is as the shifting sands and is in some parts a collection
of parallel developments of the same entity. This information is made available to the Higher Self
aspect. This aspect may then use these projected probabilty/possibility vortices in order to
better aid in what you would call future life programming.

The MBS Complex Totality is a nebulous collection of all that may occur held in
understandng; the Higher Self itself a projection or manifestation of the MBS Complex
Totality which then may communicate with the MBS Complex during the discarnate part
of the cycle of rebirth, or during the incarnation may communicate if the proper pathways
or channels through the roots of mind are opened.

The Higher Self is a manifestation given to the late 6th density MBS Complex as a
gift fromits future selfness. The mid-7th density's last action before turning towards the
allness of the Creator and gaining spiritual mass is to give this resource to the 6th density
self, moving as you measure time in the stream of time.

This self, the MBS Complex of late 6th density, has then the honor/duty of using
both the experiences of its total living bank of memory of experience, thoughts, and
actions, and using the resource of the MBS Complex Totality left behind as a type of
infinitely complex thought-form.

In this way you may see yourself, your Higher Self or Oversoul, and your
MBS Complex Totality as 3 points in a circle. The only distinction is that of your
time/space continuum. All are the same being.

"Each entity has an individual MBS Complex Totality--A number of entities
share the same MBS Complex Totality."

Both these statements are correct given the appropriate time/space conditions.
Each entity has its totality and at the point at which a planetary entity becomes a
Social Memory Complex the totality of this union of entities also has its Oversoul and
its Social Memory Complex totality as a resource. As always, the whole, spiritually
speaking, is greater than the sum of its parts so that the Oversoul of a Social Memory
Complex is not the sum of of the Oversouls of its member entities but operates upon the
way of what we have called squares and what we grasp you prefer to call doubling.

Spiritual mass is that which begins to attract the out-moving and ongoing vibratory
oscillations of being-ness into the gravity, speaking in a spiritual sense, well of the
great central sun, core, or Creator of the infinite universes.



The attempt to generate positive changes in consciosness (ie healing) while
abridging free will causes the blockage of the magical nature of the working.

In examing the polarity of a service to others working, the free will must be
seen as paramount.

When asked to heal he did so always ending the working with 2 admonitions:
firstly, that the entity healed had been healed by its faith, that is, its ability to allow
and accept changes through the violet ray into the gateway of intelligent energy, secondly,
saying always, "Tell no one." These are the workings which attempt the maximal quality
of free will while maintaining fidelity to the positive purity of the working.

When doing a healing or magical working, he who states that no working
comes from it but only through it is not infringing upon free will.



A different body after death--the MBS Complex is quite intact and the body is a
manifestation of a more dense and intelligently informed and powerful body complex.

What is carried over after death are pure distillations of emotions and biases or
distortions and wisdoms becoming obvious for the 1st time because they were either
ignored or underestimated during physical life experience.



The number of possible energy transfers between 2 or more MBS Complexes is
infinite--for each MBS Complex is unique.

Energy transfer begins with some sense of self as Creator or in some way the magical
personality being invoked consciously or unconsciously.


A sexual energy transfer (SET) implies the release of potential energies across,
shall we say, a potentiated space. The SET's occur due to the polarizations of two
MBS Complexes, each of which have some potential difference one to the other.
The nature of the transfer of energy or of the blockage of this energy is then a function
of the interaction of these two potentials. Where transfer takes place, you may liken it
to a circuit being closed--as Creator experiencing Itself.

The bisexual knowing of the Creator by Itself has the potential for 2 advantages.
1. In the green ray activated being (heart center) there is a potential for a direct and
simple analog of what you may call joy, the spiritual or metaphysical nature which exists
in intelligent energy. This is a great aid to comprehension of a truer nature of being-ness.
2. The other potential advantage of bisexual reproductive acts is the possibility of a
sacramental understanding or connection, with the gateway to intelligent infinity, for with
appropriate preparation, work in what you may call magic may be done and experiences of
intelligent infinity may be had.

The positively oriented individuals concentrating upon this method of reaching intelligent
infinity, then, through the seeking or the act of will, are able to direct this infinite intelligence
to the work these entities desire to do, whether it be knowledge of service or ability to heal or
whatever service to others is desired.

The corollary of the strength of this particular energy transfer is that it opens the door
to the individual MBS Complexes' desire to serve an other-self in an infinite number of ways
and thus polarizing towards positive.


In your bisexual natures there is that which is of polarity. This polarity may be seen to be
variable according to the male/female polarization of each entity, be each entity biologically male
or female. Thus you may see the magnetism which 2 entities with the appropriate balance,
male/female vs. female/male polarity, meeting and thus feeling the attraction which polarized forces will exert, one upon the other.

This is the strength of the bisexual mechanism. It does not take an act of will to decide
to feel attraction for one who is oppositely polarized sexually. It will occur in an inevitable sense,
giving the free flow of energy a proper avenue. This avenue may be blocked by some distortion toward a belief/condition stating to the entity that this attraction is not desired. The basic mechanism functions as would the magnet and iron.

The bisexual reproductive urge has as its goal, not only the simple reproductive function,
but more especially the desire to serve others being awakened by this activity.

The first experience in which the MBS Complex is intensely involved will indeed imprint
upon the entity for that life experience a set of sexual preferences.

Having an undistorted coupling is the free giving of one to another in the love
and light of the One Infinite Creator. If both entities vibrate in green ray (heart center) there
will be a mutually strengthening energy transfer. With the green ray transfer of energy you
now come to the great turning point sexually as well as in each other's mode of experience.
The green ray may then be turned outward, the entity then giving rather that receiving. The
first giving beyond green ray is the giving of acceptance or freedom, thus allowing the recipient
of the blue ray energy transfer the opportunity for a feeling of being accepted, thus freeing that
other-self to express itself to the giver of this ray.

It will be noted that once green ray energy transfer has been achieved by 2 MBS Complexes
in mating, the further rays are available without both entities having the necessity to progress
equally. Thus a blue or indigo ray vibrating entity whose other ray vibrations are clear may share
that energy with the green ray other-self, thus acting as catalyst for the continued learn/teaching
of the other-self. Until an other-self reaches green ray, such energy transfer through the rays is
not possible.

The indigo ray is the ray of awareness of the Creator as self; thus one whose indigo ray
vibrations have been activated can offer the energy transfer of Creator to Creator. Thus the
beginning of the sacramental nature of what you call your bisexual reproductive act. It is
unique in bearing the allness, the wholeness, the unity in its offering to other-self.

The violet ray, just as the red ray is constant in the sexual experience. It's experience
by other-self may be distorted or completely ignored or not apprehended by other-self.
However, the violet ray, being the sum and substance of the MBS Complex, surrounds
and informs any action by a MBS Complex.



The 6th density wanderer wants to seek out those with whom the sexual energy transfer
is of the complete fusion nature in as far as this is possible in manifestation in 3rd density.

Complete fusion nature defined.
The entire creation is of the One Creator. Thus the division of sexual activity into
simply that of the bodily complex is an artificial division, all things thusly being seen
as sexual equally, the mind, the body, and the spirit; all of which are part of the polarity
of the entity. Thus sexual fusion may be seen with or without sexual intercourse to be
the complete melding of the mind, the body, and the spirit in what feels to be a constant
orgasm of joy and delight, each in the other's being-ness.