I am a graduate of this SR class and am in charge of the Class Reunion committee. If you are a member of our SR. Class, please fill in the form below, so that we could contact you. Unfortunately, the 10 year class reunion has come and gone. It was great! To see pictures from the reunion, Click here We will be having a 20 year reunion. It will be on August 6-8, 2009.
Friday will be the casual night, Saturday the formal night at Signature Gardens, and Sunday a picnic. Please submit your current information so that we can send you the official registration form.

Your full name (the way you were known back in high school):
Your email address: (e.g.: you@yahoo.com)  
Your phone number (with country, city, area codes): 

City: State: Zip:

Any additional questions or comments


I don't want to grow up.
I'm a Southridge kid.
There are a million friends,
That you and I can be with.

I don't want to grow up.
Because, maybe if I did,
I wouldn't be a Southridge Kid!

From fun to strains to football games,
Its the biggest, best school there is!
Gee Wiz!

I don't want to grow up.
Because, maybe if I did,
I wouldn't be a Southridge Kid!

More friends, more boys,
I want to be a Southridge KID!