Demonsnuggler's Hideout


Please click on the following links to
navigate your way through my hideout.

Please check back later.

poetry page

about me...a walk thru the dandelion patch

kewlGraphiks (updates added)

Friends 'o mine links

web rings and special links

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Copyright Information

This site was created in August 1998 by demonsnuggler, and the copyright of this site belongs her, Gwendolyn Leigh. All rights reserved. No part of this site may be copied, reprinted, reproduced, etc. without the express permission of the artists/authors herein. None of the material within this site may be used without permission.

Please ASK us before you "borrow" our work!

I have added links to graphics and poems that are not my own work. Some of the graphics that I've used here I have taken from "free graphics" websites, where the only requirement was for me to provide a link back to the appropriate site. If you want to use anything here, feel free to follow the links at the bottom of the pages, or email me for more information. If you want to use any of my work (the poetry), please email me. Such courtesy will more than likely grant you a positive answer.


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