Baseball Cheers (a sampling)

「これから始まる南郷の攻撃、ピッチャーが投げれば三振の連続・・・当たり前!当たり前!当たり前!」 "Kore kara hajimaru Nango no kogeki, piccha ga nagereba san-shin no renzoku--Atarimae!! Atarimae!! Atarimae!!

「もう一つをまけに・・・当たり前!」 Mo-hitotsu o-make ni...atarimae!!

(Here comes the Nango attack---when the pitcher throws there'll be strikeout after strikeout--It's a given!! It's a given!! It's a given!! One more time for good measure...It's a given!)


「こんバッターは三振王のだいだいだいだい大先輩」 "Kon batta wa san-shin O no Dai-dai-dai dai-dai senpai!"

(This batter's from a long-long-long long-long line of strike-out kings!)

「きらきら光る、黄金バッター、こんバッター。ちょこんと当たればレフト前、ましに当たれば超ホームラン!きらきら光る、黄金バッター、こんバッター。」"Kirakira hikaru, Ogon batta kon batta. Chokon to atareba refuto-mae, mashi ni atareba cho-homuran! Kirakira hikaru, Ogon batta, kon batta."

[Sung to the tune of "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star"]

(Twinkle Twinkle brightly on, the golden batter--this batter. A little hit will head into shallow left, and if he really hits it, it's a smashing home run. Twinkle twinkle brightly on, the golden batter--this batter!)

「きらきら光らん、三振バッター、こんバッター。ちょこんと当たればキャッチャーフライ、ましに当たればピッチャーフライ!きらきら光らん、三振バッター、こんバッター。」"Kirakira hikaran, san-shin batta, kon batta. Chokon to atareba cyaccha fly, mashi ni atareba piccha fly. Kirakira hikaran, san-shin batta, kon batta."

[Sung to the tune of "Twinkle..."]

(Twinkle twinkle not at all, the strikeout batter--this batter. A little hit will only be a catcher fly, if he really smacks it, it'll be a pitcher fly. Twinkle twinkle not at all, the strikeout batter--this batter!)

「こんバッター・・・大きな体、小さな当たり!」"Kon batta-. ookina karada, chiisana atari.

This batter, he has a big body, but only little hits!

「こんバッター小さな体、大きな当たり!」 Kon batta, chiisana karada, Okina atari.

This batter, he has a little body, but make big hits!

「しまっていけよう、南郷!」 Shimatte ikeyo, Nango!

Let's close it up! [the defense]

「足が速い、足が速い、南郷の(一樹)、足が速い!」Ashi ga hayai, ashi ga hayai, Nango no (name) ashi ga hayai!

He's real quick, he's real quick, Nango's (Kazuki) is really quick!

ナイス・ピー、ナイス・ピー(松浦)! Nice P, Nice P (name).

Nice P(itch), Nice P (Matsuura)

「足の速さが・・・ち・が・う!パワーが・・・ち・が・う!当たり前!」 Ashi no hayasa ga....chigau! Power ga...chigau! Atarimae!

Our [team's) speed is...different [faster!] Our [team's] power is...different [greater!] It's natural!!

「出てきたぞ!出てきたぞ!(油津)自慢の三振王!」 Dete kita zo! Dete kita zo! (Aburatsu) jiman no san-shin O!

He's on his way! He's on his way! [Aburatsu Club's strikeout king!

「出てきたぞ!出てきたぞ!南郷自慢のホームラン王!」 Dete kita zo! Dete kita zo! Nango jiman no home-run O!

He's on his way! He's on his way! Nango's pride, the homerun king!

「嵐を呼べ!・・・レッツゴー!レッツゴー!」 Arashi o yobe...let's go, let's go!

「竜巻を呼べ!・・・レッツゴー!レッツゴー!」 Tatsumaki yobe...let's go, let's go!

「嵐をかけろう!輝く光りを浴びて、それいけ!南郷!」 Arashi o kakero! Kagayaku hikari o abite, sore ike Nango!

Call the Storm...let's go, let's go!

Call the tornado...let's go, let's go!

Turn on the storm! Bathed in the beaming light, let's go for it Nango!

「もうけた、もうけた(小倉)!」 Moketa, moketa (name)!

You got rich, you got rich (Ogura)!

「ドンマイ、ドンマイ(小玉)!」 Don-mai don-mai (name)!

Don't mind, don't mind (Kodama)!

「ナイス・カット、ナイス・カット福山!」 Nice cut, nice cut (name)!

Mo sukoshi morau kana? (Morau kana?)

Mo chibitsu morau kana? (Morau kana?)

Will we get a bit more? (A bit more?)

Will we get a tad more? (A tad more?)

Itsumo no pitching...sei sei sei!

Pitching...sei sei sei!

(Itsumo no batting...sei sei sei!)

(Itsumo no home run...sei sei sei!)

[Let's see your] Usual pitching...hey hey hey!

Pitching...hey hey hey!

([Let's see your] Usual batting...hey hey hey!)

([Let's see your] Usual home run...hey hey hey!)

Ball o yoku mite, utte ike!

Keep your eye on the ball and hit it out of here!


Hiromi and Daiki Yamashita

c 1993, Louis A. Floyd