Judge  Judy
Judge Judy
Channel Ten, 6pm weeknights (Australia).
Awesome  Quotes
"That must be the S-O-D-D-I principle - 'Some other dude done it' "
"On your BEST day you're not as smart as I am on my worst day"
"This is not Let's Make a Deal, and I'm not Monty Hall!"
listen to "They don't keep me around here because I am gorgeous
they keep me around here because I'm smart!"
"You spent seventy-two dollars getting your hair done? You wasted your money!"
"Of course I’m right, I’m always right.”
"I'm like a truth machine."
"Sir don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."

And can anyone tell me why the bailiff always says "the parties have beem sworn in in Judge you may be seated - have a seat maam" and points to some imaginary person.  I swear he does it even when there are no extra witnesses.  Very strange indeed.

Okay, while I think that the bailiff Petri Hawkins-Byrd on Judge Judy happens to be a bit strange, you can visit his website if you like!  Despite everything, it is actually not a bad website - as a far as tv bailiffs' websites go.

You  can write to Judge Judy (I am not quite that obsessed, but someone might be) at

Judge Judy
PO Box 949
Hollywood, CA
United States of America

The official Judge Judy website is not finished yet but should be pretty good when it is.

If anyone knows where i can access .wav files of Judge Judy in action, please e mail me.  Of all the silly things people put on the internet, I am yet to find some smart person who has uploaded Judy's acid tongued, no nonsense comments.

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