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Add your picture here -  for superb healing ability -  the website for the British Spiritualists' National Union - book suppliers for specialist Spiritualist books. - interesting site!  Offers readings in tarot, runes, I Ching, biorhythms, bibliomancy and stichomancy! -"Why Cats Paint" - another interesting site! - the site for the man himself!  Interesting site to visit.  - very interesting site - do pay a visit! - the official site
This is not a spiritual site, and sorry boys but it is one for the girls!  Don't mean to offend anyone, but these are just funny!
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   The wise man looks not to how long he lives.
But to how he dies. For him death has no terrors,
Because it is the day of his birth to immortal life.
And he will be mindful of those he has left behind,
                 And will commune with them.

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