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Printed below are the details required by the listing regulations. Please print them out, adding your own thoughts and opinions, and send it to:
Listing branch
Department of National Heritage
2-4 Cockspur Street
London SW1Y 5DH
Application for 'spot listing' - Arthur Conan Doyle's House, Norwood, London.
Address: 12 Tennison Road
South Norwood
London SW25 5RT
Front View
Rear view
Location Plan
The house was built in 1890, Arthur Conan Doyle being the first owner. It is an unusually large house for the Norwood area, and is well liked locally. Croydon Borough Council has the house listed by their Urban Planning Policy unit as one that they wish to protect, but it does not enjoy statutory listing.
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 21 Sherlock Holmes stories in this building, in addition to other novels, and histories. The house had an influence upon his work, and as a place of interest to Conan Doyle and Holmes enthusiasts, it is a valuable part of the National Heritage of Britain. His other homes are protected, but the Norwood house is not, being close to London, it is a place of pilgrimage to fans. Please consider the global importance of this building!
The area is undergoing considerable development, and I would like the Department to consider this house for preservation by 'spot listing'.
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