William Swinborne of Essex
  • WILLIAM SWINBORNE, of Colchester and Coggeshall, Essex (possibly the son of William Swinborne and Elizabeth Cole who married 21 September 1762 St. James, Colchester, Essex); Currier and Tanner of Great Coggeshall; he may have married 4 April 1788 St James, Colchester, Essex AMY BEANS; a William Swinborne was a church warden at Coggeshall in 1806; his Will is dated 19 May 1835 with a codicil dated 1 October 1835, Proved in London 18 November 1836, in it he gives detailed instructions on the disposal of his estate amongst his children, he also mentions the improvements intended to his 'garden ground now staked out and a wall intended to be built' to separate it from the property belonging to his son William, land which was formerly the Blue Boar in Coggeshall (issue - see below)

  • ?ELIZABETH SWINBORNE, married 13 November 1792 St. James, Colchester, Essex SAMUEL PHILBRICK

  • ?SARAH SWINBORNE, married 19 January 1796 St. James, Colchester THOMAS CHALK

    William Swinborne was father of:

    Clock Tower at Great Coggeshall - July 2003
  • SARAH SWINBORNE, married SAMUEL PHILBRICK the younger, she was a widow by May 1835 when her father wrote his Will, he bequeathed her £100 to buy mourning but nothing further as she was otherwise well provided for

  • LOUISA SWINBORNE, born c.1801; the 1835 and 1839 Pigots Directories list the Misses Swinborne, Gentry, living in East Street; ; in her father's will she was bequeathed an equal share of his personal estate and also baby linen and his gold watch for her own use; she was on the 1841 census with brother William at East Street, Great Coggeshall, in the profession column are indecipherable words 'lond..' or loud..' for she and Emily

  • WILLIAM SWINBORNE, born c.1802 Great Coggeshall; in his fathers Will in 1835 he was given the opportunity to purchase his fathers freehold property and also given an equal share of his personal estate; at the 1841 census he was living at East Street, Great Coggeshall, a Currier aged 35 with George, Emily and Louisa Swinborne; on 1851 census at the same address, a Currier (Master) employing 4 men; he died 21 April 1866 Great Coggeshall aged 64, Will proved 25 February 1867 by his nephew by the half blood CHARLES GEORGE PFANDER of 145 Upper Thames Street, London, Isinglass and Gelatine Manufacturer, effects under £1500

    West Street, Great Coggeshall looking towards the town centre and East Street

  • THOMAS CHALK SWINBORNE, born c.1812 Great Coggeshall, Essex; in his fathers Will of 1835 he was given the opportunity to purchase his fathers freehold property, his father had also lately conveyed to him a Copyhold estate in Witham, the value of which was to form part of his share of the personal estate inherited from his father; he was on the 1841 census at East Street (see picture), Great Coggeshall, a Farmer aged 29 with wife MARY ANNE, born c.1826 (aged 25 at census) and 3 daughters (see below); she died (reg.Q2 Witham) 1843; Thomas married 2ndly (reg. Q4 1844 Witham, Essex) MARIANNA UNWIN, born about 1806 Little Coggeshall, Essex; they are on the 1851 census at Tan Yard, West Street, Great Coggeshall with brother George and daughter Emma, Thomas was then aged 40 and a Farmer employing 27 hands; on the 1861 census Thomas and Marian were still at West Street by which time he was employing 24 men and 6 boys; and the 1881 census at Colchester Road, Great Coggeshall, Thomas now a Farmer of 1150 Acres; Thomas was a strong supporter of the Congregational Chapel at Coggeshall and was made a trustee in 1845, he was also interested in coursing and had a dog named Elfin which won the Waterloo cup. An oil painting of the dog is in the possession of an ancestor (2); Marianne died (reg.Q4 Braintree) 1888 aged 83 and Thomas died 4 February 1892 of Church House, Aldham, Essex aged 80, he left a Will which was proved 14 March 1892, with effects of £337 by Thomas Simpson, Surgeon, then resworn December 1892 at £419 (issue-see below)

  • EMILY SWINBORNE, born c.1821; probably one of the Misses Swinborne listed under Gentry in the 1835 and 1839 Pigots Directories; in her fathers Will she was bequeathed an equal share of his personal property when she reached the age of 21 and she, Louisa and Emma were also bequeathed his plate best ivory handled knives and forks and rings; she is on the 1841 census at East Street, Great Coggeshall aged 20 with William and George; an Emily Marianne Swinbourne married (reg. Q4) 1845 Witham Essex RICHARD ARCHER WALLINGTON who 3 years later became a partner in George P. Swinborne's firm

  • EMMA SWINBORNE, in her fathers Will written 1835 she was bequeathed an equal share of his personal estate when she reached the age of 21; she married before 1846 Rev. CHARLES G. PFANDER D.D. of Peshawar, India; great oriental explorer, Persian scholar and disputant for Christianity versus Mohammedanism, one of the first Europeans to make his way into India through the Afghan passes from the Caspian, author of "Mizan ul Haqq" (Balance of Truth) and many other controversial works in Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Hindustani; parents of Emma, Frederick and Latimer Pfander who subsequently took the additional surname SWINBORNE (see below)

    Before George Swinborne's method of production, isinglass had been procured solely from the 'sound' or swimming bladder of the Russian sturgeon and certain other fishes, but it smelt and tasted strongly of fish and the strength was variable. The gelatine being marketed up to that time had been made from bones and pieces of hide by various chemical processes. George Swinborne claimed that his process was far simpler and cheaper. He reduced pieces of hide, as fresh as possible, to thin shavings which were soaked for some time in cold water (changed every 5 to 6 hours) then in hot water. The resulting gelatine was strained through a linen fabric then run into thin films, dried on nets and cut into narrow strips for use. (See photographs) It was claimed that the gelatine thus produced was of the very best quality and fit for the highest culinary uses. (Patent No.11975 dated 24 November 1847 for 'Improvements in the Manufacture of Gelatinous Substances and in the Apparatus to be used therein'. On 24 May 1848 he discalimed that part of his patent which related to the apparatus and this was further disclaimed by himself and his partner on 14 April 1851). Some of the leading products of the firm were 'Swinborne's Patent Refined Isinglass', Swinborne's Patent 'Calves' Feet', 'Amber', 'Brilliant' and other gelatines.

  • GEORGE PHILBRICK SWINBORNE, born about 1822 Great Coggeshall; not mentioned by name in father's Will 1835; on 1841 census with William at East Street, Great Coggeshall, a Currier aged 20; in 1847 George, now of London, discovered and patented an improved method of refining isinglass and gelatineAdvertisement for Swinborne's Isinglass, soon after taking out the patent dated 24 November 1847 he established a factory at Coggeshall to work his process commercially, in 1848 he took in a partner, Mr. Richard Archer Wallington, of Leamington, and the firm became Swinborne, Wallington and Co; George appears on the 1851 census aged 30 an Isinglass Manufacturer employing 34 handsAdvertisement for Swinborne's Isinglass, living with brother Thomas and his wife Marianne; on 1861 census at Great Goggeshall aged 39; married (reg. Q1) 1868 St. Georges Hanover Square, London EMMA UNWIN, born about 1813; she died 4 September 1877 Great Coggeshall aged 64 and left a Will proved 2 October 1877 with effects of £450 to her husband; George was on the 1881 census at Sunidon House, West Street, Great Goggeshall, Patentee of 'Swinbornes Isinglass and Gelatine'; The Swinborne Isinglass Factory at Coggeshall, Essex circa 1840(The picture to the right shows the factory in West Street, Great Goggeshall, probably circa 1940 - the chimney was demolished c.1950 when some of the steam machinery was removed, the factory is still in existence in 2003, see picture below left of view from east side, but was closed down at the end of 1998 and is awaiting re-development); The Isinglass factory, Coggeshall in 2003 George died 10 June 1883 aged 62; Will proved 4 July 1883, Estate £23,857, by his nephews FREDERICK WALLINGTON PFANDER of Great Coggeshall and THOMAS LATIMER PFANDER of 33 St. Andrews Hill, London, Isinglass and Gelatine Manufacturers (see below)

    Thomas Chalk and Mary Ann were parents of:

    Mary Anne Wilkin, aged 90

  • MARY ANNE SWINBORNE, born July 1836 Coggeshall; on 1841 census with parents aged 4; on 1861 census aged 24, a visitor in the house of Esther Unsion? at Church Street, Vane Lane, Great Coggeshall, with sister Eliza; married 30 November 1865 Witham ARTHUR CHARLES WILKIN, born February 1835, founder of the Tiptree Jam Making Factory near Colchester, Essex (see picture below left) in 1885; pictures of both and their four sons hang in the Factory Museum at Tiptree; Arthur died in July 1913; the museum also has a photograph of Mary Anne in her 91st year (see picture to right), on her 90th birthday she was presented with a paper flowered thermometer depicting 90 degrees by the factory employees, this is framed and hangs in the museum beside her picture; she died in October 1933 aged 97 (issue - see below)

    The Wilkin Jam Factory at Tiptree, Essex

  • ELIZA SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q4 Witham, Essex) 1837 Coggeshall; on 1841 census with parents aged 3; on 1861 census aged 23, a visitor with Esther Unsion; married (reg. Q4) 1865 Witham

  • EMMA SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q2 Witham) 1840; on 1841 census with parents aged 1; death reg Q2 1842 Witham

  • THOMAS SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q3 Witham) 1841, death reg. Q1 1842 Witham

    Thomas Chalk and Marianna (Unwin) were parents of:

  • EMMA SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q2 Witham) 1848 at the Tan Office, West Street, Great Coggeshall; on 1851 census with parents aged 2; married (reg. Q4) 1877 Witham THOMAS SIMPSON; they lived at Church Strand and later at Gambrel House, East Street, Goggeshall. Emma later went to live in West Norwood, then Woodford Green and finally in Andover, Hampshire until her death in 1933

    Arthur Charles and Mary Anne Wilkin (nee Swinborne) were parents of

  • 2 elder sons

  • ARTHUR SWINBORNE WILKIN, born (reg.Q1 Maldon) 1871; 2nd surviving son, he left the Jam Making business in 1902 to become a Market Gardener; died 1941

  • STANLEY SWINBORNE WILKIN, born (reg.Q3 Maldon) 1874; youngest son; he resigned from the Factory in 1923 and removed to Bounds Farm (purchased by Wilkin and Son that year) as he preferred agriculture to jam making; died 1946

    The Rev. Charles G. Pfander, D.D. of Peshawar, India and Emma (Swinborne) were parents of:

  • CHARLES GEORGE PFANDER, of 145 Upper Thames Street, London, Isinglass and Gelatine Manufacturer; executor of his uncle William Swinborne's Will in 1867

    Sunnedon House, West Street, Great Coggeshall - 2003

  • EMMA EDLIN PFANDER SWINBORNE, born 17 May 1846 India (India Office Ecclesiastical Returns, Bengal Presidency); of Sunnedon, Great Coggeshall, spinster, when she died 7 November 1922 aged 76 at Madeira Hall, Ventnor, Isle of Wight; buried in the Swinborne vault at St. Peter ad Vincula Church, Coggeshall; Probate granted London 15 December 1922 to Louisa Harriet Pfander Swinborne, spinster, effects £5,894 (picture to left shows Sunnedon House, Great Coggeshall in 2003, it is now split into several separate properties)

    The Swinborne tombe at St. Peter ad Vincula Church, Great Coggeshall, Essex

  • FREDERICK WALLINGTON PFANDER SWINBORNE, born 25 August 1848 Agra, India; educated at Wurtemberg and at Kings College School, London (Captain of KC School Football Club and played in 1st 11 at cricket); on 1901 census at West Street, Great Coggeshall, Head, Single, aged 52, Patent Isinglass and Gelatine Maufacturer; became a partner in the firm 'G.P.Swinborne and Co.' (he and his brother Latimer took out patents in England, Australia, the United States, France and other countries in connexion with gelatinous substances); he took the additional surname Swinborne some time after 1883 when his uncle George died; Author of "Trafalgar Day 1905 and Nelson Memorial Sonnets"(1) (printed by J. A. Dodds of Market End, Coggeshall in 1906), also "Gustavus Adolphus", "Poems & Ballads" and other works. He died at Coggeshall 10 June 1919 aged 70 and was buried in the Swinborne vault at St. Peter ad Vincula, Coggeshall (see picture to right, the large face shown carries Fredericks inscription, the small front face carries Emmas inscription and also the words 'entrance to vault' along the base), the memorial stone reads 'Author of The Cross of St George Anglo-Saxon Sea-Sway And Other Poems'; Probate granted London 16 August 1919 to Latimer Pfander Swinborne, Manufacturer, effects £37,993

    Latimer Swinborne c.1852-1929

  • THOMAS LATIMER PFANDER SWINBORNE, born 18 October 1851 Coggeshall; went through the Indian Mutiny as a child at Peshawur, came down the Indus in a nature house-boat under an Afghan escort furnished by Sir Herbert Edwards on the overland route home; educated at Richmond and Wurtemburg; joint patentee with his brother of improvements in the preparation of gelatinous substances; on 1901 census with brother, Wood Boys Gelatine Manufacturer aged 49; changed his name to Latimer Pfander Swinborne some time after his uncles death in 1883; became Partner in G.P. Swinborne and Co. of 33 and 34 St. Peter ad Vincula Church, Great Coggeshall, EssexSt. Andrew's Hill, Queen Victoria Street, London and Coggeshall, Essex; interested in mining in various parts of the world; recreations: gardening and fruit culture; died 23 October 1929 aged 79 whilst of Sunnedon, Great Coggeshall and buried in the Swinborne vault at St. Peter ad Vincula, Coggeshall (see picture to right); Probate granted 17 December 1929 London to Louisa Harriet Pfander Swinborne, spinster and Frederick Henry Bright, solicitor, effects £105,408

  • ?LOUISA HARRIET PFANDER SWINBORNE, mentioned in Wills of Emma and Latimer above

    The following SWINBORNE'S come from Grays, Coggeshall, and Braintree Essex and may be related to the above family but no connection has yet been found:

    Town Hall, Braintree  - July 2003WILLIAM SWINBORNE, born about 1807 Grays, Essex, married 19 July 1830 Coggeshall, Essex MARTHA DEATH, born about 1816 Fordham, Essex (possibly 4 August 1815); they are on the 1851 census with 8 of their children at Martins Lower Yard, Braintree both Silk Weavers and on the 1861 census at Martins Yard, Braintree with 5 children, William was then aged 53 and Martha 49 (a Martha Swinbourn, widow, died 19 July 1869 at 30 Oxford Terrace, Edgware Road, Middlesex and left a will proved 19 August 1869 by Jules Rochat of 69 Piccadilly, Middlesex, watch manufacturer, sole executor, effects £450)

    Parents of:

  • WILLIAM SWINBORNE, born c.1834 Coggeshall, on 1851 census with parents aged 17, a Hand Loom Weaver, Silk; possibly married (reg. Q4) 1856 Braintree; on 1861 census at Roach Pond Field, Braintree aged 27 with wife ANN, born c.1836 Braintree; William died (reg.Q2 Braintree) 1877 aged 44; Ann is on the 1881 census, a widow aged 44, Harness Maker and Silk Weaver, at 100 Manor Street, Braintree

  • HARRIETT SWINBORNE, born c.1836 Coggeshall, on 1851 census with parents, a servant aged 15; she may have married Q4 1861 N. Aylesford (near Maidstone, Kent?)

  • HENERY SWINBORNE, born c.1837 Coggeshall, on 1851 census with parents, a Silk Winder aged 14

  • THOMAS SWINBORNE, born c.1839 Halstead, Essex (reg. Q1 1839), on 1851 census with parents, a Silk Winder aged 12; on 1861 census with parents, a Silk Weaver aged 22; married (reg.Q4) 1864 Braintree ELIZA, born c.1840 Bocking, Essex; they are on the 1881 census at Black Notley, Essex, with 3 children, Thomas was a Silk Weaver aged 40, and on the 1901 census at Rifle Hill, Black Notley (issue-see below)

  • JOSIAH SWINBORNE, birth reg. Q2 1841 Halstead, death reg. Q2 1842 Halstead

  • ELISHA SWINBORNE, born 21 February 1843 Halstead, Essex; on 1851 census with parents, a scholar aged 8; (not on 1861 census with parents), died (reg.Q2 Braintree) 1889 aged 45; married 1 January 1864 Bocking, Essex CAROLINE WARREN, born c.1840 Stistead; they are on the 1881 census with 3 of their children at New Street, Braintree, Essex, Elisha gave his occupation as a Hawker; Caroline died (reg.Q2 Braintree) 1882 aged 42 (issue-see below)

    Braintree Town Centre - July 2003

  • EBENEZER SWINBORNE, born c.1845 Halstead (reg. Q1 1845); on 1851 census with parents, a scholar aged 6; on 1861 census with parents, an Agricultural labourer aged 15; died (reg. Q4 Epsom) 1889 aged 43; married (reg. Q2) 1870 Camberwell, Surrey SARAH ANN KNOWLER, born c. 1851 Canterbury, Kent; they are on the 1881 census at No.4 Avenue Cottages, Avenue Road, Camberwell with 3 children, Ebenezer was a Builders Labourer; Sarah is on the 1901 census, a nurse aged 48 at Dunster House, 15 Southampton Street, Camberwell with daughter Alice (issue-see below)

  • EMILY SWINBORNE, born c.1847 (reg. Q1 1847) Braintree, on 1851 census with parents aged 4, and 1861 census, a Silk Winder aged 13

  • MARY SWINBORNE, born c.1849 (reg. Q2 1849) Braintree, on 1851 census with parents aged 1, and 1861 census a scholar aged 11

  • ROSINA SWINBORNE, birth reg. Q2 1851 Braintree; on 1861 census with parents, a scholar aged 9; on 1881 census at Gauden Road, Clapham, Surrey, a nurse aged 26, in the Southgate household

    Thomas and Eliza were parents of:

  • WALTER SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q1 1865 Braintree) c.1865 Bocking, on 1881 census with parents aged 16, a Brush Maker

  • ALFRED SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q2 Braintree) 1866 Black Notley, on 1881 census with parents, aged 14, a Painter; died 29 December 1937 whilst of 23 Notley Road, Braintree, Admon. granted London 11 March 1949 to Albert Swinborne, Company Director, effects £802; possibly married reg. Q4 1885 Braintree; on 1901 census at Rifle Hill, Black Notley, a Painter (House Decorator) aged 33 with wife MARTHA, born c.1863 Colne, Essex and 2 children (issue-see below)

  • EMILY SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q4 Braintree) 1869; on 1881 census with parents, aged 11

    Alfred and Martha were parents of:

  • EMILY SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q3 Braintree) 1893 Black Notley, Essex; on 1901 census with parents aged 7

  • ALBERT SWINBORNE, born 30 December 1895 Black Notley; on 1901 census with parents aged 5; died 11 September 1973 whilst of Roundstones, 169 London Road, Braintree, probate granted Ipswich 19 February 1974, effects £30,545; married LAURA MARJORIE LIVINGS, she died 6 January 1974 whilst of Roundstones, 169 London Road, Probate granted Ipswich 3 June 1974, revoked and regranted Ipswich 27 August 1974, effects £13019 (issue-see below)

    St. Nicholas, Braintree - July 2003Albert and Laura Marjorie (Livings) were parents of:

    FREDERICK ALBERT SWINBORNE, born 13 November 1926 Braintree; died 9 June 1974 whilst of Roundstones, 169 London Road, Probate granted Ipswich 4 December 1974, effects £255,068

    DOROTHY M. SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q2) Braintree 1929

    Elisha and Caroline (Warren) were parents of:

  • ? ALICE SWINBORNE, birth reg. Q1 1864 Braintree, died reg. Q1 1864 Braintree

  • ? ALICE SWINBORNE, birth reg. Q1 1865 Braintree

  • FREDERICK ELISHA SWINBORNE, born Bocking (reg. Q2 1869 Braintree), on 1881 census with parents aged 14, a Weaver; he signed a Will in 1915 in Lincoln and died 7 December 1915 in the North Sea; he was a fisherman in Great Grimsby when he married 4 February 1892 St. Andrew's, Great Grimsby, ELIZABETH/HANNAH EGGLETON, born c.1871 South Creake, Norfolk, baptised 2 July 1871 South Creake; on 1881 census at 38 Havelock Street, Newington, Hull; Domestic Servant 1891 in Grimsby; they were living at 62 Strand Street, Cleethorpes at their marriage in 1892; she was at 71 Sydney Street, Cleethorpes in 1901 and at 8 Park View, Cleethorpes in 1916 (issue - see below)

  • THOMAS SWINBORNE, born (poss. reg. Q1 1867 Braintree as Thomas William Swinborne) c.1869 Bocking, on 1881 census with parents aged 11

  • ? ELIZABETH SWINBORNE, birth reg. Q3 1868 Braintree; possibly died reg. Q3 1869

  • FRANK HARRY SWINBORNE, born 21 July 1872 Bocking, died 12 December 1956 Farnborough, Hampshire; on 1881 census with parents aged 8, married 12 September 1891 Hull, Yorkshire MARTHA ANN NEWTON, born c.1872 Hull, Yorkshire; they are on the 1901 census at 5 Queen Street, Stoneycroft, West Derby, Liverpool, Lancashire with their 4 children, Frank was a Skilled Labourer at a Rope Works; in 1906 they emigrated to Chile where Frank had been offered a job with the Port Yelcho Company, they returned to England when the company went bankrupt, arriving back on 1 December 1908 (issue-see below)

    Frederick Elisha and Elizabeth/Hannah (Eggleton) were parents of:

  • FREDERICK GEORGE SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q1 Caistor) 1893 Grimsby; on 1901 census with mother; Deck Hand in 1919 in Grimsby; living at 8 Park View, Cleethorpes in 1919; died (reg.Q1 Caistor) 1959

  • LILIAN ANNIE SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q2 Caistor) 1895 Grimsby; on 1901 census with mother

  • ELSIE FLORENCE SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q2) 1897 Grimsby; on 1901 census with mother

  • HERBERT SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q2) 1899 Grimsby; on 1901 census with mother

  • MINNIE SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q1) 1902 Grimsby

  • DORIS SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q3) 1908 Grimsby

  • PHYLIS SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q3) 1911 Grimsby

    Ebenezer and Sarah Ann (Knowler) were parents of:

  • WILLIAM EDWARD SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q1 Lambeth) 1870 Camberwell, Surrey; on 1881 census with parents aged 10; married (reg. Q2) 1892 St. Saviour CAROLINE, born c.1874 Bermondsey, London; they are on the 1901 census at 22 Wooler Street, Newington, with 4 children, William was a General dealer aged 29 and Caroline aged 27 (issue-see below)

  • ALICE EMILY SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q4) 1872 Camberwell, on 1881 census with parents, aged 8; on 1901 census with mother at Camberwell, a domestic servant aged 27; married (reg. Q3) 1903 Southwark

  • ARTHUR JOHN SWINBORNE, born (reg. Q1) 1875 Camberwell, on 1881 census with parents, aged 6; married (reg.Q4) 1897 St. Saviour; died (reg. Q4) 1910; on 1901 census at Battersea, a Stockbrokers Clerk, aged 26, with wife (name not known but poss. Celia E.), born c.1879 Isleworth, Middlesex, aged 22 and son FREDERICK, born 1901 Battersea (possibly Frederick Bertie b.12 Feb.1901 Wandsworth and d.Q1 1983), aged 1 month

    Frank Harry and Martha Ann (Newton) were parents of:

  • CAROLINE GEORGINA SWINBORNE, born 25 November 1892 Hull, Yorkshire; on 1901 census with parents aged 8

  • MARTHA ELSIE SWINBORNE, born 23 October 1894 Hull; on 1901 census with parents aged 6, married with issue

  • GRACE ANNIE SWINBORNE, born (reg.Q3 Sculcoates) 1896 Hull; on 1901 census with parents aged 4

  • FRANK HARRY SWINBORNE, born 4 November 1900 Old Swan, Liverpool, Lancashire; on 1901 census with parents aged 5 months; died 4 January 1972 whilst of 58 Hencroft Street, Slough, Admon. granted Oxford 1 March 1972, effects £718

  • FREDERICK JAMES SWINBORNE, born 2 January 1905 (reg. West Derby); died 7 April 1981 whilst of Quebec Cottage, 60 York Road South, Farnborough, Hampshire, Admon. granted London 29 June 1981, effects £34,042

  • CHARLES SWINBORNE, possibly born in Chile (the family emigrated to Chile in 1906 and stayed there until December 1908)

  • THOMAS SWINBORNE, possibly born in Cork, Ireland

  • 2 other children who died in infancy

    William Edward and Caroline were parents of:

  • CAROLINE ALICE SWINBOURNE, born (reg.Q3 St. Saviour) 1892 Walworth, London; on 1901 census with parents aged 8

  • WILLIAM EDWARD SWINBOURNE, born (reg.Q2 St. Saviour) 1895 Walworth, London; on 1901 census with parents aged 5; died (reg.Q3) 1940

  • FANNY SWINBOURNE, born (reg.Q2 St. Saviour) 1897 Walworth, London, on 1901 census with parents aged 3; died (reg.Q2 Wandsworth) 1901 aged 3

  • HENRIETTA SWINBOURNE, born (reg.Q2 St. Saviour) 1900 Walworth, London, on 1901 census with parents aged 1

  • Notes:
    (1)A copy of this book and artefacts from the Swinborne Isinglass factory can be see at the Coggeshall Heritage Centre, Essex; they also have a video of the Isinglass Factory (which was taken over by Vickers & Co.) made shortly before it was closed down

    (2)Information researched by Dr. William Simpson and his mother Mrs. Emma Simpson, grandaughter of Marianne Unwin, and given to the Coggeshall Heritage Centre c.1991 by Peter Unwin of Surrey

    On the 1901 census are:
    At 11 Middle Shadwell, Shadwell, London:
    JOHN NORRIS SWINBORNE, head, aged 30, Carman labourer (Pondles, cables etc.), born (reg. Q1 1871) Braintree, Essex c.1870/1, wife CAROLINE (married reg. Q1 1896 Stepney), aged 25, born Shadwell, and sons JOHN HENRY SWINBORNE, aged 4 (birth reg.Q3 1896 Stepney, died 28 May 1961 at St. Andrews Hospital, Billericay, Essex whilst of 36 The Meads, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, Probate granted London 4 July 1961 to Amelia Letitia Swinborne, widow), FREDERICK WILLIAM SWINBORNE, aged 3 (birth reg.Q1 1898 Stepney, died Q4 1962) and JOSIAH EDWIN SWINBORNE, aged 5 months, (born 25 October 1900, died Q4 1979), all born Shadwell
    At Great Coggeshall:
    FREDERICK SWINBOURNE, born c.1849 India, a Retired Domestic General Manufacturer

    The GRO deaths index lists:
    Ann Swinborne reg. Q1 1839 Colchester
    Mary Ann Swinborne reg.Q2 1843 Witham
    Frances Swinborne reg.Q3 1855 Colchester

    Sources: Kathleen Williams, California, U.S.A.; 1841,1851,1861,1881 and 1901 Census returns; IGI; GRO indexes; Probate Calendars; Peter Lee; Victoria County History of Essex; Shirley Radcliffe, Coggeshall Heritage Centre, Essex (see also: www.geocities.com/coggeshall2003); Pike's NCS, 27 1901 Essex; Wilkins Museum, Tiptree, Essex; Will of William Swinborne 1836 PRO ref:Prob 11/1869

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    Last updated 18 April 2004