Even though the author of this treatise is on the right track, he makes assumptions without having a KEY. Without such a KEY, his conclusions, by definition, must be flawed. DB
The Mark of the Beast 
    "He (The Beast) forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in his right hand or in his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." The Book of the Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 16. 

The Number of the Beast 

    "Let he that has wisdom count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." The Book of The Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 16. 
The Number 666 is so pervasive in direct use and thoughtful calculation as to approach mathmatical impossibility for it to be a mere coincidence. We would be at a loss for where to begin, were it not for the previous Bible verses.

MasterCard Corps' official policy is to replace money. We shiver at the concept of any card as our master, but to them it is a corporate goal.

VISA Card is also "interesting" to say the least. If you look at a VISA credit card you see three previous world empires represented. "VI" is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, "S" is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and lastly the "A" in the Babylonian culture is 6 ... i.e, VISA = 666! We are sure they didn't plan it that way. This whole thing is MUCH MUCH bigger than they are. It is only a sign of the nature and origin of their success.

1998 divided by 3 = 666. That's this year. When was the last time that happened? Never before...

2000 divided by 3 = 666.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666.............. on into forever.... That's year after next... When was the last time that happened? Again, never before....

We are told that the ancient Chaldeans, during the time of the Babylonian Empire when the prophetic Book of Daniel was written, had a numerological technique that can be applied to the english alphabet today. In that system, each succeeding letter of the alphabet was equal to 6 more than the one before it. In our system A would equal 6, B would equal 12, etc. as shown in the chart below...

New York
So the $666 question is: What words in english add up to 666? I've only been able to find 4, and two of those were from combining two other words. You see, no words in english with 7 or less letters seem to add up to 666 at all. The very first english word that equals 666 is COMPUTER. The next one I can find is KISSINGER. The third, a combo word, is NUCLEAR HELL. The fourth is FEDERAL RESERVE. As Spock would say, "Interesting!"

C   3 x 6 =  18      K  11 x 6 =  66      N  14 x 6 =  84      F   6 x 6 =  36
O  15 x 6 =  90      I   9 x 6 =  54      U  21 x 6 = 126      E   5 x 6 =  30
M  13 x 6 =  78      S  19 x 6 = 114      C   3 x 6 =  18      D   4 x 6 =  24
P  16 x 6 =  96      S  19 x 6 = 114      L  12 x 6 =  72      E   5 x 6 =  30
U  21 x 6 = 126      I   9 x 6 =  54      E   5 x 6 =  30      R  18 x 6 = 108
T  20 x 6 = 120      N  14 x 6 =  84      A   1 x 6 =   6      A   1 x 6 =   6
E   5 x 6 =  30      G   7 x 6 =  42      R  18 x 6 = 108      L  12 x 6 =  72
R  18 x 6 = 108      E   5 x 6 =  30      

===============      R  18 x 6 = 108      H   8 x 6 =  48      R  18 x 6 = 108
Total        666     ===============      E   5 x 6 =  30      E   5 x 6 =  30
                     Total       666      L  12 x 6 =  72      S  19 x 6 = 114
                                          L  12 x 6 =  72      E   5 x 6 =  30
                                          ===============      R  18 x 6 = 108
                                          Total       666      V  22 x 6 = 132
                                                               E   5 x 6 =  30
                                                               Total       858-192=666
One of the newest entries we have found is "NEW YORK" = 666, the obvious implication being that NEW YORK is the home of the United Nations and the New World Order.

Last but not least, it has been pointed out that "US OF AMERICA" = 666. As a proud American approaching my 40's and a student of Bible prophecy since 1973, I never in my wildest dreams thought the good old USA could be one of the major bad guys in the coming reign of the Anti-Christ. But over the last few years actions by the federal government too numerous to name here have completely changed my mind about that. The fact that "US OF AMERICA" = 666 comes as no suprise to me...

Oops. Found another one this New Year's Eve just 2 hours before 1998. I have for years used SSNUMBER as a variable name to hold Social Security Numbers in many programs I have written. Guess what? You guessed it. SSNUMBER = 666 too. It's a bit more of stretch than the other words and phrases, but is it really all that far out?

You can try out these and other words and phrases for yourself easily thank to Terry Stough and his great phrase calculator program. Most words and phrases work best if you use all capital letters and skip the spaces, but feel free to try it any way you like. To download his free program CLICK HERE.

The next logical step will be to write a program to generate all the possible combinations and match them up against a spell checker. Maybe some bored programmer might do us the favor? Click Here for the computer algorithm used in the calculations.

Right now you are probably saying "Wait a Minute! How does FEDERAL RESERVE = 666?"

That is a very good question. Remember, the Bible says "Let he that has wisdom count (i.e. calculate) the number of the beast." If you looked closely at FEDERAL RESERVE you'll see it equals 858, and I deduct 192 to get 666. Where does the 192 come from? Because of the way the computer math works out, the space between the words actually deducts 192 from the total, yielding the end result 666. We find it quite interesting that it took a computer to figure out that the number of the Federal Reserve is 666, not that we think anyone will be suprised... 8-)

' 666 Searcher
' Helps you keep on the lookout for the Beast, whose number is 666
' Public Domain program written by Brian Francis Redman, Editor-
' in-Chief, Conspiracy Nation, June 7, 1995
' Compile using QuickBasic 4.5 or may be portable to BASICA
' Example names: try "Kissinger", "Computer", "NuclearHell", and "Federal Reserve"
L1% = 0: X1% = 0: X2% = 0: X3% = 0
PRINT "Enter name";
Sw1% = 1
WHILE Sw1% = 1
    INPUT A$
    L1% = LEN(A$)
    FOR X1% = 1 TO L1%
        X2% = ASC(MID$(A$, X1%, 1))
        IF X2% > 90 THEN X2% = X2% - 32
        X2% = X2% - 64
        X2% = X2% * 6
        X3% = X3% + X2%
    NEXT X1%
    LOCATE 4, 1
    PRINT A$; " = "; X3%
    B$ = ""
    WHILE B$ = ""
        B$ = INKEY$
    LOCATE 6, 1
    PRINT "Again?"
    B$ = ""
    WHILE B$ = ""
        B$ = INKEY$
    IF B$ <> "Y" AND B$ <> "y" THEN
        Sw1% = 0
        L1% = 0: X1% = 0: X2% = 0: X3% = 0
        A$ = "": B$ = ""
        LOCATE 2, 1
        PRINT "Enter name";
    END IF
PRINT "Thank you for using 666 Searcher."