Littleton Massacre and Law Enforcement


Reginald Johnson



Truth and lies regarding the massacre of children


 Here are some FACTS all based ON VIDEOS recording the massacre! Did you tape the news feed that day as we did?

  1. The swat teams waited for three hours, doing nothing while children died. When they finally went in, it was after two vans of armed men were cleared by the FBI to leave the area. This Proves there was a conspiracy.
  2. EVERY SURVIVING child reported that there was an older man, with a mustache and gray hair, doing most of the shooting. These were the first reports of children leaving the scene. These children are now being censored. These reports at first appeared in the news reports, then vanished and were no longer mentioned.
  3. One of the killer's father is a 17 year veteran with the Air Force and was a long standing member of the AF's psyops section. Both boys were seen by military shrinks prior to the shootings, three times a week. NONE of these doctors has ever been interviewed or taken to task.
  4. Over fifty surviving children have reported that the two killers were murdered early on by the older man with gray hair.
  5. Both killers were under the psychiatric care of a military doctors with connections to the CIA. (FACT)
  6. The survivors of the massacre are now being seen by these same three doctors.
  7. Janet Reno is now "praising" Law Enforcement for doing a "wonderful job." Really? Letting children die is wonderful? My God.
  8. News Cameras on day one record Swat personnel removing 67 explosive devices of military origin that were never detonated. No child can construct such devices nor have access to sensitive plastic explosives or timers. Cameras and personnel clearly show these devices and they are obviously of military origin. Since that day, all news reports of these explosives has vanished!
  9. Several Concealed Carry laws were about to be approved in 7 states that would allow citizens to arm themselves for self-defense. These laws were struck down within 72 hours of the shooting. How convenient.
  10. The White House is now about to ban all private firearm sales because of the massacre and ban all repeating firearms - this was "leaked" to the Media on 5/8/99. Other than increasing more police powers and money to the cops, this is all they intend to do.
  11. All importation of ammunition has been halted because of the shooting.
  12. Law Enforcement is screaming "we need more money and men!" Really? Doubling the size of the FBI over the last three years isn't enough? How can these pigs even face America after hiding behind walls while children died?
  13. The militia now considers all police as dangerous fodder to be dealt with. Agreed.

  14. UPDATE

  15. Both of the dead children blamed for this, were found to have bullet wounds in the BACK OF THE HEAD. Quite impossible for suicides.