In the past two decades statistics have indicated a sharp increase in the use of drugs in the United States. The news media has portrayed a drug epidemic and politicians have eagerly created new programs ostensibly to fight the drug problem. New prisons have been built and 100,000 new police officers are on the street. One of the "drug fighting" programs is called "DARE", which stands for "Drug Abuse Resistance Education." DARE is an elementary school curriculum that is taught by police officers. As we take a look at what the DARE program teaches and its results, one might be led to question the forces behind the anti-drug campaign.

     DARE was created in 1983 by former Los Angeles Police Chief, Daryl Gates. The goal was to get police officers in the classroom to teach children about the dangers of drugs and violence. The program exploded in size after President Bush committed a large amount of federal money to it. Police officers now teach the DARE curriculum to over 60% of all fifth graders in the U.S., and the program receives over $700 million in taxpayer funds per year.

     The main concept of the DARE curriculum is embodied in the "refusal skills" or eight ways to "just say no." These include methods such as repeated refusal, walking away or giving someone the cold shoulder when offered a drug. The uniformed DARE officer lectures and role plays with the students, playing the role of the drug pusher as well as the authority figure.

     Numerous independent studies have been done in the U.S. and Canada on the effectiveness of the DARE program, and none indicate that the program has resulted in a reduction of drug abuse by minors. In fact, some studies have indicated an increase of drug use that paralleled the growth of DARE. This is confirmed by researcher Lloyd Johnston of the University of Michigan. He conducts the nationwide "Monitoring the Future" Survey each year for drug use trends. He found that a "third of eighth-graders, mostly 13-year olds, report using illegal drugs. Marijuana use more than doubled among eighth-graders between 1991 and 1994. Two-thirds of eighth-graders have tried alcohol. A quarter say they still drink. Twenty-eight percent say they have been drunk at least once. Smoking among eighth-graders rose 30% between 1991 and 1994."

     "If DARE is effective on a national basis, should not these trends be in the opposite direction? Lloyd Johnston said, 'I have to conclude that DARE has had little or no effect except to give police officers something to do.' [Las Vegas Sun, 5/1-2/94]. An editorial in the Worcester, Mass. Telegram lamented: 'One disturbing fact: while DARE has expanded, drug abuse and cigarette smoking among young people have increased nationwide.' [Sunday Telegram, 1/28/96]." (From an article by Steve Wallace entitled "A Different Look at DARE").

     DARE's version of drug education has produced results that are similar to modern sex education. There has been an exponential increase of the problems both of these programs were created to address. As sex education was promoted by Planned Parenthood and the socialist elite, teen pregnancy and illegitimacy exploded. As DARE increased its influence in the school system and community, so did the use of alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs among minors. "The finding of significantly higher hallucinogen use among the DARE group raises the possibility that drug education programs may increase student curiosity about drugs and lead to earlier and greater drug experimentation ..." [On comparison of DARE vs. Non-DARE students]. Truth and DARE by E. Wysong, an understatement but true, none the less.

    If $700 million a year and twenty thousand specially trained police officers does not result in a reduction of drug use among minors, besides giving police something to do, what does it accomplish? Plenty, according to Chicago Police Superintendent, Matt L. Rodriguez, who is also chairman of the Major Cities Chiefs' Association. In 1995 Rodriguez made the following remarks during the MCCA convention in Miami, Florida: "Chicago, I am proud to say, is one of the nearly 60 percent of the school districts in the country where DARE is operating -- and expanding.

    "...The collateral benefits of the [DARE] program [are] the often unnoticed and [so are the] long-term advantages to our departments, to our communities, and to how we work together. DARE officers are familiar figures not just inside the classroom, but outside as well -- on the playground, on field trips, and during after-school activities. It is this familiarity and consistency that provide the foundation for meaningful and lasting relationships among police officers, students, parents, and teachers...which may ultimately determine whether [children] become long-term problems for the justice system, or long-term PARTNERS WITH THE POLICE." Still emphasizing the "collateral benefit", Rodruigez went on to say, "Every officer can quickly give you several stories [that] describe how students more positively relate to the police or how their lives have changed after having the opportunity to know a police officer whom they feel comfortable talking with, [about] all kinds of problems." Rodruigez did not address the apparent statistical failure of the DARE program, but emphasized the warm, fuzzy side of police officers playing with the kids at school, listening to their problems and developing a life-long partnership.

    The ominous, Orwellian picture of police intrusion into every aspect of life further unfolds if one will consider that in some cases DARE officers have taught "children to spy on their families and act as police informants", according to Family Council on Drug Awareness director, Chris Conrad.

    Like every government program that claims to better society without addressing its moral and spiritual cancer, DARE is another wolf in sheep's clothing. In typical New World Order fashion it pretends to fight the plague it is spreading. Even though many of the individuals involved in DARE may mean well, the fountain from which DARE springs is poisoned.

    DARE is helping to accomplish the true objectives of the socialistic New World Order by indoctrinating school children to look at the police, or the state, as their true family.

    Increased drug abuse among minors is also a DARE objective fulfilled, because drug abuse is creating a future generation that is slavishly dependent and unable to think or reason for themselves.

    DARE and other federally sponsored programs like it are a Trojan horse, dedicated to the moulding of young minds to the bent of the New World Order.

    "Beware of false prophets [teachers] which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." Matthew 7:15,16.

Written 10/96

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