December 7th Landing?
Poor Science or the Fabrication of Another Hoax?

December 7th came and went — with NO landing by ET. The circle of researchers claiming that "evil weather" caused by HAARP obscured the event, have either created another hoax — or are simply very poor scientists. If the latter is the case, how can anyone trust anything they have to say concerning their scientific findings on anything?

You will find the bogus information at: starting with the idea that HAARP created the "evil weather" on December 7th. The authors launch into the idea that HAARP is derived from "Tesla" technology (all statements from this website in red):

"In reality, it has many characteristics of a "Tesla device," possibly to transmit huge amounts of electricity without wires."

This is the first instance of really poor scientific analysis, and it has plagued many so-called researchers of the HAARP Project. The bogus connection between Tesla and HAARP is destroyed in an article in the Electrical Experimenter by Tesla himself, dated 1919. It will certainly dispel this popular myth. See the article on this entitled, Tesla's True Wireless and HAARP — Everything You Know is Wrong .

Continuing, we read, "It all started back on November 30th, when ELFRAD picked up the first of a series of signal bursts that would continue through and peak yesterday, the 7th. There was a corresponding increase in solar activity..."

Anyone with an understanding of Solar activity knows there will be corresponding signals in the ELF/VLF range of the EM spectrum — See this website for more info: VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere. Actually, ELF/VLF stations are used to monitor solar activity with regard to forecasting higher frequency radio wave propagation over the days that follow. The delay time for the solar flare EM radiation to reach the earth is roughly 8.3 minutes with simultaneous effects recorded as noise bursts in the ELF/VLF range. Cosmic Ray particles will take from approximately 1/4 to several hours to reach earth, and magnetic storm particles usually arrive 20-40 hours later. Magnetic/ionospheric storms caused by the delayed effects of particles reaching the earth cause disruptions such as fadeouts and blackouts in higher frequency radio reception, and can be forecasted by monitoring the simultaneous effects recorded in the ELF/VLF range.

This indicates that there are NO anomalies here, and one suspects that certain researchers are attempting to correlate data without telling all of the facts.

Now comes the real bogus information.

"There was a corresponding spike in the output by HAARP (on thumbnail images) but the data pages themselves are as of this writing no longer available...Then on the 6th and 7th the intensity and frequency of these transmissions escalated and there was a analogous increase in HAARP's output."

Please refer to the website this info comes from at: . This is the HAARP DPS-4 System #012 Digisonde Portable Sounder. See the graphics at: (yes, this info is STILL available and not mysteriously missing)

The Digisonde is a very advanced digital high frequency Doppler radar system for probing the ionosphere. The reason there is one at HAARP is to monitor what is happening with the ionosphere. IT IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OUTPUT OF HAARP! It is ONLY representative of what is happening in the ionosphere. There is a network of sixty stations operating Digisonde equipment which are collaborating in an effort to develop a valid global ionospheric model. For more info on the Digisonde, see The Center for Atmospheric Research at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

The reason there was "an analogous increase" in the Digisonde data would have been due to the same reason there were other signals being received — "SOLAR ACTIVITY." These so-called researchers are proving the existence of these signals due to solar activity while at the same time attributing them to "the evil weather" machine, HAARP.

They continue with the following:

"A check of the HAARP data for the corresponding period shows that it was indeed operating. Oddly, the data for the time period closest to the pulse is missing from the HAARP database. A few hours earlier though, and we can confirm that HAARP was short circuiting the Ionoshphere [sic] like mad ..."

Again, the data from the Digisonde does NOT represent the operation of HAARP! So, how can these people "confirm that HAARP was short circuiting the Ionoshphere [sic] like mad ..."???? Very poor science indeed.

As for their claims of "evil" weather, we have this note (emailed to us) posted to the Rowland Net chat area:

"Gavin Thomas - 08:14am Dec 8, 1998 PST (#50 of 57)
Sedona, AZ
I have to admit to being interested enough by all of the EQ Pegasi, December
7th information to actually drag myself and my partner out into the middle
of nowhere in the search for some kind of personal proof that ET's are here
and that there is something else out there in the cosmos.

Geographically speaking we live some 45 miles from Turret Peak, in the Red
Rock Town of Sedona ( considered the metaphysical hub of the Pheonix
area ).Unfortunately when Art switched satellites recently the local radio
station stopped carrying him - so spurred by all of Mr Hoagland's
information plus a feeling that maybe a conspiracy had stopped the
transmissions from reaching the receptive local audience. We packed up the
car and drove down to the Peak on Monday 7th. South of Camp Verde on the
route to Payson there is a primitive road off to the south east which takes
you along some very twisty and rough roads into Fossil Creek. Maybe 10 or so
miles deep there is a turning south for access to forest land ( we missed
this turning the first time and nearly ended in the town of Strawberry ).
We finally found our way and weaved on occassionally icy roads to the end of
the track - it finishes in an entrance to forest land and a hydroelectric
plant owned and run by Arizona Power Service.
We stood in the cold air of a
clear night
- and looked out to the Peak a few miles distant South. And
there was nothing ! ! ! !

Our hopes were downed by NO underground noises, NO UFO's, NO military, in
fact NO ONE at all. We only passed one local car outside Strawberry - and
there weren't even any other "watchers". We had hoped to at least bump into
some other people out there looking for the UFO's - but NO, NO-ONE, NOTHING

OOOOOHHHH well, back to the disbelief. :/ But HEEEYYYYY at least we did it
and went out there. It isn't often that such a global non-happening happens
so close to your home.

Well to those who saw something, you lucky lucky people... and to those who
went to the Peak, we lift our hats.

Merry Christmas to you all, I look forward to the snow in Pheonix !!!"

The rest of the info on the website talks of more HAARP weather engineering ,and other irrelevant speculation. What are we to believe here? Is the information some so-called researchers are presenting pure disinformation, a hoax, or just bad science? If it is the latter, I would suggest that NONE of these researchers can be trusted to relay anything of importance due to their completely biased and faulty research. If it is the former — well, then we are just looking at another recent instance of disinfo.

As a final note, I will accept any challenge to this information from the so-called researchers in question. I should think they may want to revise their posted information as it is incorrect — unless of course they have no desire to present the truth.

Michael Theroux
Director - BSRF