Commentary Archive

Klinton-Kaused Krisis in Kosovo

(4/9/99)Kosovo makes the news every day now, but the news is only propagated half-truth. So, to aid in exposing the true motives, the author will provide some speculation and facts concerning this matter.

Others often ask Montalk why this Balkan conflict is really happening, to which he replies, "You'll find out when you see a mushroom cloud splitting the horizon." Rather than ranting about some miniscule supporting facts that conclude in an overdue punchline, allow the author to state his thesis right now: Kosovo is the starting point of World War III, the end of which will usher in the New World Order and the AntiChrist(s).

How exactly this might occur shall be discussed henceforth.

Duality is a rarity, but trinity is much more frequent -- the media proposes there to be two sides in this "crisis": the evil, megalomaniacal, and genocidal Slobodan Milosevic, and the poor, battered Kosovo Albanians, whom we support and are supposedly conducting these attacks for. Critics with half a brain (and only half a brain) have figured there to be more to all this than just a battle for humanitarian reason. In this they are correct. However, they assume that the alterior motive is political in nature, in that rather than being worried about human rights violations, the U.S.-led NATO forces are in Kosovo to prevent conflict from spreading to Europe, the Union of whom provide America with much commercial opportunity and exchange. Others claim that the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) is a terrorist organization and the U.S. is immorally helping Albanians gain independence from Yugoslavia a sovereign nation.

Well, half-brained people give half-assed answers. The invariant characteristic of all these speculations is that America and Milosevic are hero and anti-hero, one or the other depending on who is judging. But rather than being antipodal to one another, both sides are really working to achieve a common goal, the third side: world chaos that can only be stopped by a New World Order...the more chaos, the more order. Why such an NWO is desired has already been covered by the Web of Conspiracy (above).

To instigate such world turmoil, which ironically fulfulls Bible prophecy of the Gog-Magog war, an event needed to be harnessed whereby its quagmire-like aura would pull everyone else into its suffocating proximity...the Balkans. Poetically so, the Balkans are once again breeding grounds for a world war, as they have been in the past. But contrary to popular belief, this is no accident, because the present Kosovo situation has arisen precisely when the modified Kondratieff-cycle indicated it would...and considering the cycle has been accurate for wars, depressions, and revolutions over the past several hundred years and earlier, Kosovo is but an upturn in the grand cycle geared by the malevolent elite.

The first objective before NWO status can be achieved is the injection of discord into the affairs between as many nations as possible, also the working definition of a world war. Presently, the U.S. is bombing Serbia not to teach Milosevic a lesson, but to incite as much wrath against the U.S. from other nations. All the while, U.S. officials tell the public that their intentions are to stop the slaugter, while simultaneously causing the problem. It's reminiscient of vaccines purported to cure disease when they sometimes cause that disease.

More importantly, ground troops had been planned for deployment since the beginning, but officials have denied this fact long enough to allow the Kosovo situation to deteriorate until ground troops are the only apparent option left. By that time, propaganda will have swayed public opinion into believing more attrocities will occur if troops are not sent in. Then, when our American sons and daughters go off to fight, conditions are ripe for maximum casualty. Congress will have probably declared war on Milosevic and thus pacifists will be seen as inferior weaklings and unpatriotic patsies. The mass death of our troops will be similar to Vietnam, except in this case the war will spread beyond our target country.

Of course, Yugoslavia is only an incubatory trigger -- the American bloodlust will then be tapped and focused toward a new, more formidable enemy. Precisely when public outrage over Serbian military effectiveness reaches its peak, it will be discovered that Russia has covertly funded and supported Milosevic. So in America, resentment will have shifted toward Russia, while Russia will employ its citizen's supressed nationalistic tendencies to cause a revivalist movement there against the U.S., something that will get the tattered communist nation's war machine operating again. Once Russia and America are belligerent, world war is well underway. The opposition is only an illusion, however, and the ensuing hostility is stage two in the new World War.

The other nations will fulfill stage three by meddling in this maelstrom. China will jump in on the bandwagon and take over Taiwan, then ally with North Korea and Russia in nuclear assaulting America. And what about Saddam Hussein? Will he be twiddling his thumbs throughout the whole ordeal? Iraq has had no weapons inspectors for the past several months, not to mention it holds an arsenal of nuclear and biological weapons. In fact, most nations own weapons of mass destruction and have never stopped their development or production. Why is that? Is it to appear "prepared" so that one's nation will not be victimized by another? Seriously, which is worth more: political asthetics or military utilitarianism? These weapons are not works of art, they are weapons to be used in war, and we are entering a war right now.

Israel and America are tied very closely, but in prophecy Israel is but a decoy. The actual focus of this war will be on America, the most envied and covertly hated nation in the world. Any attack on Israel will call for American intervention. The AntiChrist will be American, and our country will be the next land of Holocaust. Concentration camps are most all finished here, ready to round up, detain, and execute insurgents.

While war is raging, Y2K will ice the cake and cause the world to heave like never before. Needless to say, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better..."ya gotta go through hell before ya get to heaven."

And it all starts with Kosovo and the introduction of ground forces. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the puppet show.

1999: When Fit Hits the Shan

(3/23/99) Alright -- you know what Y2K is, you can see the trickle of water leaking through the dyke, and you can feel the rumble of an avalanche approaching. The truth is, we are in for some rough times ahead.

This year, two possibilities may occur. The first is that mankind will be severely disrupted before Y2K arrives (due to a geological cataclysm, biological holocaust, or nuclear assault), and the second is that the present situation will progressively get worse with time, ending in a world war of unparallelled proportions.

If the first possibility is true, then you can kiss yourself goodbye. There is nothing you or anyone can do to stop the disaster that might come, if it comes. All you can hope for is to protect yourself and those around you, but don't expect all of your neighbors to make it through. And if you're at ground zero, count to ten when you're about to makes the anticipation less horrific.

On a lighter note, if the second possibility shall come our way, there's a chance that with ingenuity and foresight, you and those you protect will survive the next ten years.

The Y2K panic, which has begun in all levels except for street-level looting, has been deliberately engineered, perhaps serendipitously so, by the Secret Societies who wish to establish a New World Order. The reasons for them doing so are covered in Montalk's Web of Conspiracy above. In the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (a document plagiarized by the Communists to justify their Jewish pogroms, which despite its anti-semitism gives clear explanation of how the NWO will be established), the New World Order is said to be implemented through global chaos...then, at a specific hour, the Secret Society factions will strike all at once, overtaking the world in a bloodless coup. The document was written before computers were invented, but clearly Y2K is the "specific hour" of which they speak.

In addition, the Communists prophesied their resurgence at a time when all thought their politics were defeated. One can hear the music of propaganda behind Tom Brokaw's words, that "democracy is abound, and Russia has fallen." If only the ignorant Americans knew the truth...that the conspiracy is about to fall upon them like a ton of Red bricks.

Y2K is a contrived problem. Yes, computers will fail, power will go out, but that is beside the point. The point is this: to create the needed chaos, the American public has slowly been awakened to the Y2K threat, slow enough to postpone fixing the "problem," and not so late that the problem would not be self fulfilling. What they desire is a self-fulfilling prophecy, begun at a time when the solving of the Y2K problem is beyond the time needed to fix it. Thus, people will know what it is, and will resultingly fear it. The fear will climax, accelerating considerably this summer, until at the end, the tension will snap and by "majority favor" the NWO will be supported as the only way of relieving the pain. It is Hegelian dialectics in a technocratic disguise: create the problem, allow the panic to arise, then both synthesize into a general consensus favoring the NWO.

Coups, dictatorships, tyrannies, fascism, etc... all arise through initial periods of instability, chaos, and societal upheaval. Unlike Germany, however, where fascism arose due to the psychological suppression of pre-Nazi youth by their strict Prussian parents (idea observed by Wilhelm Reich), our liberated American society is ripe for a socialist/communist dictatorship. Since this year will see the beginnings of such an upheaval, be guaranteed our government will turn on those who know the truth. Martial Law will openly rule the country (presently, it is covertly operative) -- a Law that will initially be said to be temporary, but will persist until all opposition to the NWO is either on its knees or separated into headless bodies and decapitated faces.

So now you know what is coming. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however, but telling that to you is like suggesting the same to a pre WWII Polish Jew -- the chances are slim, but like Ed McMahon's Sweepstakes say "You may already be a winner!"

Logical Justification for the Abolishment of the Federal Government

(2/17/99) Aggressive violence, especially among youth today, is due to revenge; kids who commit violent acts have lost their sense of forgiveness, and forgiveness is the antithesis of revenge. Why revenge? What does one gain with revenge? Inflicting pain, through revenge, is a quick way of boosting one's self-esteem. For instance, if self-esteem is critically low, one resorts to violent ways to regain it.

In primitive ages of man, a blow to one's self-esteem indicates a blow to one's social status, lessening his or her chances of survival since a lower social status meant less cooperation with other members of the tribe. To make up for this loss, especially in animalistic groups where altruism is not met with respect, males fought physically to show their strength and prowess, once again heightening their social status. Women, on the other hand, resorted to more passive means, mostly ones of seclusion and escape, whose symptoms today include over-eating, sleeping, or other signs of shame and depression. Violence as a way of making up for lost self-esteem, then, was and still is an evolutionary defense mechanism, although today we justify our actions with references to our blind rage at the commission of a violent act...even though it is through emotion that these types of instincts manifest themselves.

Why are modern children's self-esteems deficient? It has been shown with little exception that a majority of violence stems from deficits of pride and humility, so obviously, there is a cause for this abnormality. The reason is that their parents, too, lacked self-esteem, were consequently in a constant negative mood, and in a mode of survival, in which, due to societal constraints, could only force their displaced aggression upon their offspring as a means of seeking instant gratification. It has gotten to a point where materialism has overpowered human compassion, causing such aggression to be more pleasurable on a child that heals than, say, a wall or table lamp that must be fixed if broken in a fit of rage.

Constraints of society, then, is the deeper cause. Such constraints limit freedom and lead to a blocking of goals, commonly expressed as frustration. Why are goals blocked, and by what? Goals blocked internally by moral suppression of the id by the superego does not lead to violent acts, merely neuroses, since primitively it was advantageous to follow the moral code, since doing so increases one's acceptance in a group. This moral suppression is compromised when goals are blocked by a direct external source, ones that do not directly benefit a person. Thus, his goals are blocked without compensation, socially or materially, and frustration is induced within that person.

The only external source of impediments in today's society is the law -- not laws that are reasonable and logical, called Common Laws, but those that are the products of twisted beurocracy and serve others for unjust reasons. Because most of one's goals in America's material society deal with the acquisition of wealth and the freedom to do it at one's reasonable discretion, laws restricting wealth acquisition are the even deeper reason for people's frustrations.

So what restricts this acquirement of wealth? There are two categories: those that restricts one's income, and those that raise the prices of what one wishes to buy. The price of what we purchase and the services we beget are determined usually by cost and demand. Demand is a function of cost, so cost, then, is the independent variable. Cost of services is set by the price of labor and materials, also known collectively as "supply," though materials supplied are influenced by demand, which in turn depends on cost, or wages paid to the laborers. Labor to provide these services, then, is the underlying variable that sets the price on the services we purchase.

Hours of labor paid is not always proportional to the output, which can be easily seen on a graph relating number of workers to economic output. In other words, if those who hire laborers hire too many, the cost per unit of output increases, but the only ones who lose in this deal are the consumers of these services, as long as the company remains operative and the laborers get paid their hourly wages. If there is no competition, then this company risks nothing in hiring more laborers, since although the price goes up, it is forcefully paid by the consumers. What is the greatest example of this type of monopolistic company? The Federal Government. The services provided by this "corporation" come at a price, a price known to common people as "taxes." The output consists of the services we get in return from the government.

By evidence of the previous metaphor, over time, taxes rise as immoral beurocratic governments realize that they will be paid no matter the number of laborers they consist of, even if the output to price ratio is ludicrously minimal. Such a corporation resultingly seeks its own perpetuation rather than the optimal and just selling of its services to the ones who pay their wages -- the American taxpayer. The taxes increase radically while productivity inreases slowly, slow enough to seemingly justify the tax increases to the untrained eye.

Such ridiculous tax increases gradually, but severely, restrict one's income, or the acquisition of wealth. Because the productivity in return for these taxes is low, one essentially has his or her goals blocked without compensation. This leads to frustration, which in turn causes a lowered self-esteem and anger, which leads to the release of displaced anger upon one's children, which results in children who later fall below their critical self-esteem level and choose the path of vengeance rather than forgiveness, causing what we know today to be the decadent generation of American youth responsible for gang crimes, shootings, murders, fights, and other acts of aggressive violence.

Thus, the Federal Government is responsible for many of America's moral crisis. Of course, in response, the government creates new programs to contain these outbreaks of immorality, which turn out to produce nothing and consume everything just to perpetuate their existence. A government that attempts to provide for all provides for none but itself... this is called political socialism, the redistribution of wealth from those that worked to earn it to those who at first desperately could not afford it, but later grew into a mass of wealth leeches -- not to mention the federal employees who themselves suckle off our precious individually earned wealth without anything in return except another catheter jabbed into our already sore arms for the sake of feeding one more corrupt goverment institution.

The cost of maintaining such a bloated parasitical government is high taxes, which has been demonstrated above to lead to aggressive violence and crime. In addition, other, more insidious parasites exploited the already corrupt government for their own purposes -- two examples of which are the IRS and the Federal Reserve. These two partners in crime cooperate by one pumping fake money into the economy, while the other takes it back out again through income taxes along with the real wealth produced and attached to this fake money by the poor victims who were forced to use these fiat Federal Reserve Notes. Although the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Reserve Bank are private institutions that suck our wealth and send it overseas to their own accounts, the federal government does nothing to stop this abuse, and most likely has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, as long as these beurocratic vampires get their fat paychecks at the expense of our children's spilled blood.

THIS is the government that is causing your misery. The abolishment of the Federal Government is plainly justified by the attrocities it so visibly has induced. Since legislature has been corrupted and all democratic means of requesting reform is futile, the only means of change is either by a mass paradigm shift towards the longing for a just Constitutional Republic rather than a Majority-Rule Democracy as is presently, or through the inevitable use of force. Let's hope the tyrants change their minds for the better before we make that decision for them...

(1/20/99) I looked in the Wall Street Journal the other day and found to my surprise no mention of commodity prices on cattle. No, I am not speaking of the four-legged meat-sticks on farms, but rather the decadent mass of cattle we call the American public. The way they mindlessly work for the sake of work, these beasts might as well be turning a mill's stone grinding wheels, and be sold accordingly.

Although their inferiority can be blamed on the federal government's instigation of the income tax, there is no excuse for their perpuation of the problem. These people are fit to sleep with dogs -- their behaviour is outrageously obscene!

The lowest level of society, namely the "white-trash" are somewhat slave to their own condition, and hence carry less blame than the truly guilty animals, the middle and upper class of Americans.

This suburban cesspool of beastial muck live for carnal pleasures and the avoidance of the necessary pain that comes with responsibility. The stereotypical parents would rather give their kids five dollars than spend five minutes of quality time with them. And when the child begs for love and attention, a high-level priority on the hierarchy of needs, the mother tells him or her to go watch TV, a sad excuse for what she is really trying to say, but never dares admit it: "When I met your father, I only wanted to f--k, and not be thrown into raising a little leech like were a horrible accident, now leave me alone!"

Then, when in adolescence problems begin to emerge from lack of self-esteem and adequate parenting, the desperate child is thrown a bottle of Prozac, "Treating you will cost me hundreds, but I'd rather be working that money off than having to see your face every hour of the day..."

There is a common paradox these parents always seem to voice when their offspring go wrong: "I gave him everything he ever needed...we lived in the best neighborhood, he went to the best school, had the best clothes," -- but he did not have the best parents, evidently. How many school shootings and overdoses will it take for American parents to realize that money cannot buy love? Most kids are conditioned through negative reinforcement, " You got a B!? You know how angry it makes to know my son's a failure?" These parents lack so much self-esteem, they need to siphon it off their own children by punishing them in a way that raises their own level of pleasure. Rather than rewarding through sacrifice of their time, they would rather take the easy way out and seek a quick fix. Kinkel's parents in a way deserved their fate. The key to solving this problem is to establish a constant positive environment, but modify bad behavior through punishment entirely removed from a parent's ego. A spank should later be followed by hugs and reconciliation. Apparently the typical parent is too cold to even consider such an act.

Then there are families who continue to turn out bright, studious, moral, and responsible members of society. Too bad they resort to the crutch of religion to do so. I am speaking of ultra-Christian families, whose children, although smart, are in appearance nothing more than servile, brainwashed robots. And much like others, the ultra-Christians are much too optimistic for their own good. Yes, they may lack a big screen TV, that extra hour of time with their kids, or the old freedom of owning assault weapons, but they always view their state of life in reference to those in poverty, or those in oppressed countries as China. Then, when another one of their liberties is legislated away, they say, "Oh, least I am still blessed by the good will of God as evidenced by me not living in Cambodia." In fact, their friends may die, their sons and daughters get slaughtered in a war, their cat run over, or their homeland invaded, and still they smirk, allowing the whole system, of which freedom-loving patriots are part of, to disintegrate. Their matchbox world will eventually be crushed by the weight of the very consequences brought about by their weakness. The parents lack strength to raise a real child, a responsible child, one who grows knowledgeable not through blind faith in a fictitious deity, but through brute strength of reason, one who lives by the Golden Rule because it makes sense.

These few are rare, indeed, and I include myself among them, but the point of this article, that the American public is mentally, morally, and spiritually inferior, is a reasonable conclusion, even despite my loaded rhetoric and apparent bias.

The cattle's shallowness, the way they eat from socialist troughs, was once nonexistent when they roamed the plains, free of govermental restriction. But now, the situation has changed. Now, the upper class consists of carriage-pulling horses in the dark streets of 19th century London, while the lower class pidgeons eat crumbs off the wet cobblestone.

It is no wonder that the Enemy -- be they Masons, Illuminists, or neither -- calls us "cattle," because that is what most Americans are. But, above the herd, standing in defiance of egalitarian oppression, are those like me with the moral conscience to object to what the NWO coyote are bestowing upon the cattle. It is elite cowboys like us who have waged war with them, in hope of pulling those who are willing from the herd, and elevate them to our level of sovereignty, so that in the end, all will rise above the old standard of beast. If we can, through truth, overcome the mental inertia plaguing the American public, such efforts will be rewarded in the demolition of exploitation by the evil elite, and shall result in the future productive happiness of our children who will reign as true men and women among republics, rather than sheep among herds.

(November 1998): Hello. Now that people are actually viewing this page, I thought I would provide a few words in light of both its contents, and the apocalyptic state of the world. First, without my intent, this site has become remarkably un-Christian. For example, most of the views stated reflect those of theosophists, occultists, Illuminists, evolutionists, scientists, paganists, and other believers the Christians truly dislike. I won't apologize, except state that these believers are equally guilty of hypocrisy and ignorance as the Christians themselves. No one who claims to embrace truth by following only a singular doctrine of belief deserves credibility for knowing the whole truth. There's nothing wrong with Illuminism or Freemasonry or even Luciferianism, except they are all morally corrupt and employ rituals which make them no less despicable than Christianity.

Second, the world is in deep sh*t right now (mind my eloquence), and with the hill-top view I have, knowing the wide range of things I do, the future, nay, your future, will be more gruesome than you think. First, the Millenium Bug (Y2K) is guaranteed to trigger panic late 1999, which will result in a cash-run on banks, hoarding of food, and skyrocketing prices in such items as gold, food, water, guns, ammunition, generators, and survival gear. If you have the money, I encourage you to buy double now, and sell half at exorbitant prices when they disappear from the market (this will increase your chance of survival, and punish, albeit sympathetically, those who are too ignorant now to take heed). Even though a good percentage of electronic items such as cash registers (thanks, Johanson), elevators, cars, ATM's, and computers have been fixed to be Y2K compliant, one must understand that Y2K depends upon the compliancy of most ALL electronics in order for the world to continue as we know it. For example, what good is a compliant ATM during a black-out? And even sophisticated back-up generators installed in every grocery store might fail for they, too, contain embedded chips which may malfunction. Supposing that the generator does not malfunction, how long will the fuel last, and how will extra fuel be brought to the grocery store if the shipping method itself depends upon microchips and programs likely to contain enough unfixed bugs to cause a catastrophic breakdown?

You see, one or two appliances may be serviced to run perfectly in 2000, but unless most other devices are also fixed, the first two will be useless. This extends not only from device to device, but from power company to fuel-shipping systems, to air and water transportation, to national economies, and finally to the global economy. Just like a game of "pick-up-sticks," the disturbance or failure of one component can have a trigger effect upon the rest.

Does anyone profess Y2K to be harmless simply because he or she has noticed a couple local examples of "fixed" systems immune to the "00" roll-over date? For every one that is compliant, there are many more that aren't, and if an overwhelming percentage of all systems and devices must be in good working condition to allow the survival of the whole network, then it is obvious that Y2K will by no means be "harmless."

In addition, detention/concentration/death camps are sprouting around the country by the hundreds, and even more have been in place for decades. Shipments of 100,000 guillotines were reportedly sent to Montana for national distribution. Numerous highway rest-areas have been closed, after which conrete helicopter pads were poured behind them, these rest-areas soon to be serving as prisoner convoy relay stations. Old public and private railroad cars were bought and reconditioned to include shackles, over a hundred per car; rather than transporting "prisoners" to death camps for elimination, these cars will serve as self-contained gas chambers, whereby a group of four will be brought into a sealed building and "treated." Even the Denver Airport is secretly equipped with underground facilities capable of implementing mass murders.

Soon, the Antichrist shall rise, and whether he is the next President, the Leader of the European Union, or more unlikely, Saddam Hussein, it means Holocaust II to us. If Bible prophecy is correct, the Antichrist will capitalize upon the Y2K tumult by appearing to be the technological saviour of mankind (Johanson brought up the hypothesis that Bill Gates is the Antichrist. It is true that he is an Illuminist, but is he a well respected figure today and a powerful man in stature, enough so to be a leader worshipped by the entire world? Hardly. Remember that the Third Reich's former influence can be attributed solely to its effective utilization of propaganda techniques; but it was Hitler, not Goebbels who was the pseudo-Antichrist then. Likewise, although Y2K's origin is one of technology, it will be someone else other than Bill Gates who shall lead the NWO. Leaders are charismatic and powerful, not nerdy and rich.) Begetting his power from the Biblical "dragon", a.k.a. "draconians" of UFO fame, he will claim his Divine Right to Kingship by being mankind's representative and diplomat to the alien race. However, this Antichrist and Draconian race are the false Christ and false angles mentioned in the Bible, meaning that the real Christ and his angels (most likely a time travelling and benevolent race that can only enter this world periodically by the millenia or two) shall arrive after the world is in battle with the Antichrist.

But why would the world fight the Antichrist? Isn't he to be the totalitarian ruler of every nation? And what about George Washington's vision at Valley Forge in 1777 during which he foresaw the world unite in opposition against America, only to be saved at the heat of battle by divine intervention? Does this suggest that the Antichrist is American? Considering the Holocaust-like atmosphere in this country, it is certainly a possibility. However, compromising the validity of both Israel and America as being targets of a world-wide coalition in the near future, I propose the hypothesis that once Israel is attacked by neighboring Islamic nations, America will immediately be drawn into the war to defend Israel. This, of course, will make America an enemy in the eyes of the Islamic coalition, if not the rest of the world, and will lead to a full-fledged assault upon America by foreign forces.

At this point in time, I don't have all the answers, But either way, I suggest you do the following in preparation for the coming disaster (in order of decreasing availability and increasing safety):

1) Withdraw (slowly, so as not to cause suspicion) most of your money from the bank.
2) Stockpile bulk food (cans, jars, dehydrated foods, bags of flour, sugar, salt, etc...).
3) Make medical kits with vitamin supplements, gauze to treat gunshot-wounds, and medication.
4) Find water and store it well (Culligan-type jugs, drums, even pop-bottles, but be sure to use disinfectant drops)
5) Buy guns (SKS, 22's, shotguns) and know how to use them.
6) Stockpile ammunition, for defense and for barter purposes. Several 1000 rounds recommended.
7) Invest a good percentage of cash in gold coins (not boullion).
8) Install a wood-fueled heater for your home.
9) Purchase a generator.
10)Buy an RV and equip it with emergency supplies in case you need to leave your home immediately.
11)Move out of the city while you can, but be prepared to defend your country-side oasis.
12)If you are willing to fight, join a Militia.
13)Otherwise, move out of the country, as if you were a fugitive, and "disappear" in an unpopulated area.

Is this paranoia? No. Extreme? Sure, but if what is prophessed to happen really does happen, you'll be grateful that you took such extreme measures to protect yourself. So, unless you've got a heckling smile right now, thinking this page is pure alarmist babble, but know that in the end you wouldn't mind sacrificing your freedom to kiss the NWO's ass when it comes just to lengthen your sycophantic and pathetic life, be guaranteed that reality will turn upside down in a year, enough to make you puke when you finally realize the all-encompassing penetration of the cruel truth.

Be forewarned: it's easier to fight your way through a line of armed Feds than through the concrete ceiling of a gas chamber.