Just a note on the government tracking our food supply. In the late 1980's a certain amino acid called L-tryptophan was available to the public. The product was used to combat insomnia and anxiety. You could buy it anywhere. For example, Costco had a large bottle of it for about $15. One day some people died from taking it and the FDA pulled it off the shelves. Later, it was found to just be a bad batch from a Japanese company, but at the time there was a great concern for all users of L-tryptophan. Now, at that time I had been buying some myself at Costco, to use for insomnia. Low and behold, one day I get a call from a government agency asking me about any side effects I had been experiencing. I asked how they even knew that I took L-tryptophan, and they told me that they had traced my buying habits through Costco. This makes me wonder. Now, Costco is my favorite food/supply store. I have been buying some bulk food there to stock up on Y2K. Remembering that incident in the 1980's, I'm thinking about going to a store where you can pay cash without having a card scanned. Any comments?