
Use It Or Lose It

By Karin Pekarcik

(2147 word count)

Growing up in a white middle class neighborhood in Southern California, attending public schools and the public university, I enjoyed the freedoms that all Americans take for granted. I received a good education, enjoyed an abundance of job opportunities, and lived in beautiful neighborhoods with friendly neighbors. There was never a sense of lack in any way. Superficially everything seemed wonderful. It was a Disney type setting in a myriad of ways. In fact Disneyland was almost in our backyard. The props were all in place. But what was really going on behind the scenes of this seemingly normal environment?

Little did I know what lurked behind the beautiful scenery and the smiling faces. Little did I understand the workings going on behind the scenes to present the false impression that everything is normal.

All of us were indoctrinated into the education system and were trained from our early schooling to be deaf, dumb, and blind to reality. We were given the correct perception of the way things were, and thus joined the ranks of operating automatons living in the world of false reality created by those authorities operating effectively behind the scenes without us even aware of their existence.

I was in the loop of the propaganda machine, and never did I have any reason to question my own sense of freedom. Out of sight, out of mind (and heart). I was happily living in a totally false environment because I was living in the "normal environment".

Little did I realize that during all these so-called typical years of diligent work and enthusiastic play that there was more going on than I could ever imagine. I was far removed from any sense of fear of loss of my personal freedom. I was surrounded by comfort and security. I didn’t lack for anything. I thought I had it all.

Only recently the door was opened for me into the true reality, and I finally discovered the shocking truth of what was really going on behind the nice rosy exterior of everyday suburbia life. And now that the truth has been revealed there is no going back to the false and phony. And the sad part of this is that everyone else is still playing their phony parts in the staged play, and not even realizing that they are pawns being manipulated in the game of life. And the even sadder state of affairs is when this information is unveiled to their eyes, they still deny that it could possibly be true. They truly have us effectively brainwashed from mind to heart. We are literally dead to the truth.

I was there, too, living the life of a satisfied robot along with the rest of my friends and acquaintances. We were quite satisfied with being part of the status quo in the collection and stockpiling of our numerous toys. We were content to play out the life we had built for ourselves and our families. We didn’t know any differently.

But there was something sorely missing from life. My heart felt it. I started reading between the lines, hearing between the words, and watching the actions of those who had our "best" interests at heart. The words and actions were not matching up. Something was terribly wrong. Why wasn’t anyone in the mainstream taking notice of the contradictions? Why wasn’t it being reported on the nightly news, displayed in the daily newspapers and the monthly magazines? Was everyone’s brain asleep or were they already so much a part of the propaganda machine that they really didn’t know any differently (and didn’t really care anyway)?

The major media is controlled and has always been controlled by those in power. What we see is what they want us to see. So how could we possibly see on our televisions, hear on our radios, and read in our newspapers and magazines the true unbiased story about anything.

Check out who owns the major television studios (CBS, NBC/RCA, ABC, PBS, Associated Press), the mainline newspapers and magazines (Reuters, Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, New York Times, Time, Newsweek, and Wall Street Journal). With some elementary checking it is discovered that the past and present major media figures all belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and/or the Trilaterial Commission (TC). These are the private and secretive international pressure groups that are the powers that lie behind the scenes running the world economy. These are the companies and their powerful owners who are in charge of the money who determine the course of the economy, and thus the entire network we call ordinary living. These powers control and manipulate literally everything that happens around the world.

Within the US we have a secret government behind the democracy we love so much. This organization consists of those individuals belonging to the big banking industries and those individuals involved in the CFR and TC. From their points of power they control every part of us.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) conceived under Nixon in a serious of Executive Orders is part of the secret government that has billions of dollars at it’s disposal. It has more power than the President and can suspend laws, move populations, seize property and food, and arrest citizens without a warrant, and can even suspend the Constitution.

Even though it is enormously powerful most don’t even know of its existence. We believe FEMA to be our friend and helper in emergency situations, yet the truth is they are our controllers. FEMA has spent only 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, and the rest is used for their secret agendas. There are many such Executive Orders that grant FEMA the power to literally control us in every way and suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights. All the President has to do is put the Executive Order into effect and all our rights are gone.

We hear horror stories about the unruly dissidents. We are told that these people are not normal and to be avoided at all costs. These are the crazies, the weirdo’s, and the misfits of society. Don’t listen to their ranting and raving. The press feeds us their slanted view of the story and plants the false story in our minds. And then we believe the story to be true. We see it, hear it, and read it, thus it must be true. We are so much a part of the machine, that we don’t know any better. We believe them, even though our hearts may nudge us a little here and there every now and then. But for the most part we don’t pay attention and thus continue to live in these falsehoods that have been created for us.

We are all living under the censorship of fear (whether we honestly admit it to ourselves or others or not). People are becoming more and more afraid to voice their opinions, ask questions, and "rock the boat" of the mediocrity. They say "Why ask such questions? What’s the use since we can’t change anything anyway? So why make trouble for ourselves?" People tend to be afraid of what their peer’s may think about their peculiar questions and also they are terribly afraid about the ramifications of making a statement contrary to the accepted general opinion. They don’t want the Fed’s knocking at their door at 4 AM in the morning coming to arrest them.

Is this a free country or what? It is free to the extent that you do as they say (not as they do). Laws are made to control and confine the people. Laws are made to keep us in line with the majority thinking. Laws are made and we don’t even comprehend the real agenda behind the law. Laws are made as we continue to pursue those activities that keep us unaware and unconscious of the truth.

Reading various news items on the Internet life is not what is being presented to us on the major media. The Internet is one of the last sources of free speech which is seen as a threat by those who want to keep us quiet and which used to be a free enterprise but is slowing becoming eroded by the censoring mechanisms.

In fact, there is a whole new world out there that we haven’t even begun to tap. There is an entire level of bureaucracy that we are totally unaware of, and for very good reason. We would not agree with the agenda they have in store for us. But since the majority don’t even know of its thriving existence, we are happy in our own little worlds. And they want to keep us that way. Give us more and more technology. Give us more toys to play with to keep us occupied, content, and unthinking robots. Give me, give me, give me, are the words of the day. The propaganda machines have their agendas in place. It’s even on the mouths of little ones "I want that new toy, now!"

And we get deeper and deeper into debt. And that is their plan. We are living paycheck to paycheck to keep us and our families supplied with all the latest toys that we feel we can’t live without. New cars, computers, furniture, clothes, jewelry, and toys. This way we are content and happy and don’t question the deeper issues in our lives. We are too busy working and playing to even consider the real happenings of the day. We are set in our own little isolated world, never venturing out to see the light of day. And that is exactly what has been ultimately planned for us, we who consist of the general population that constitute this country. We have been lied to, abused, and corrupted and the saddest part of all is that we don’t even know they are doing it to us. We accept all the nonsense with our non-functioning brains and dead hearts.

How is this possible that this lie has been propagating and growing into an immense hidden agenda without our knowledge? Are we content to pay our taxes and keep ahead of the pile of bills? Isn’t there more to life than all of this?

There are those that are beginning to wake up. More and more people are starting to ask questions and trying to be better informed about the politics of the day. Yet, there are too few who are trying to make a statement, and these few are the ones that are the sacrificial scapegoats. We can’t face the real facts so we turn our anger and frustration on the so-called radicals. It’s too easy to watch it from a comfortable distance and not get involved. It’s not happening to me, therefore, I don’t need to do anything. Sadly, this is the general statement of the day.

Our freedoms are slowly being eroded out from under us, and one day it will be too late, and there will be no turning back. Observe history and see what is happening today in our lackadaisical attitudes about the state of affairs of our country and the world as we continue to fill ourselves with the newest state-of-the-art toys.

Politicians know that fear gives them power. Keep them uninformed and detached. Create fear within us and we will freely run to the government for assistance. We will fall right into their waiting arms, welcoming us to the herd of non-thinkers. When fear tactics are created and promoted in various avenues of our lives, and we play right in their open arms. When people are afraid they will cry for help from the government. In this way the politicians keep the power and control they so desire. Why do you think the nightly news is continuously filled with more and more violence and hate? The most horrible crimes are reported to the waiting public. Why this continual focus on fear and violence in the mass media?

As the government cover-ups mount, the unsuspecting public buys right into their fear tactics. They deny and cover-up; don’t inform, just instill fear in the hearts of those watching. As more and more laws are written and put into effect to take away every ounce of our freedom, we enthusiastically and unwittingly ask for more. We don’t want pornography on the Internet, we don’t want crime in our streets, thus take away our free speech on the Internet and take away the guns that protect the people, and what have you got left?

The government in control of every aspect of our lives. We got what we asked for and now we are stuck with it? Or are we? Will we wake up in time to see what the real agenda is all about? Or will we waste away into total automatons living out our lives surrounded in deceit, lies, and manipulation?

Karin Pekarcik is a free-lance writer living in Anaheim, CA. Her e-mail address is: