"The Latest NSA/CIA Disarmament Wag The Dog Using Mind-Controlled Teens as Manchurian Candidates Who Shoot Themselves While 3 Gun Control Bills in Colorado Legislature and NRA Conference Is Pending in Denver. Tony Blair Proposed American Gun Control Media Jacks up Public Manipulation Using Imagery Designed to Focus Public on Death, Guilt and Insecurity. CIA Controlled CBS and NSA controlled NBC play up drama for days In attempt to control and manipulate American minds and behavior to suit the ends of "National Insecurity". President sends US forces to Eastern Europe after making deal with the USSR not to respond to first nuclear strike, leaving the United States relatively defenseless in very carefully scripted effort to stamp out freedom and individual thought on the planet. As President Roosevelt said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident". As the technocratic control paradigm winds to its next series of "final solutions" for depopulation, planetary control and American disarmament. The next major event should happen the first week in May 99, approximately May 7, followed by another major event(s) around May 22."