What Goes Around Comes Around: A History Lesson by Val Valerian, April 19, 1999

Right now, the US is attacking the Serbs, who are rousting the KLA, raping and pillaging the Albanians and driving hundreds of thousands into exile. I find it interesting that during World War II, the Serbs were against the Nazi regime, whereas the KLA worked with the Germans, and together the KLA and the Nazis killed over 200,000 Serbians, raped nuns, and decimated the population of Kosovo to the point where the 70% Serbian population level was reduced to 10%. The Nazis were financially and materially supported by both Prescott Bush (father of George HW Bush former director of the CIA, which stemmed from imported Nazi SS Intelligence) and Standard Oil, run by the Rockefellers, before and during WWII. Nazis were transported to the USA under Operation Paperclip and Project 63 for almost 30 years after WWII. Interestingly, the Nazis invented heroin and cocaine during WW II. (See also the article in the last Leading Edge Research Journal #121, page 69, wherein heroin and cocaine trafficking is tied to the KLA in Kosovo.) The US engaged the Sicilian Mafia near the end of WWII to produce heroin in trade for helping with the invasion of Sicily. Subsequently and not surprisingly, heroin addiction, and later cocaine addition appeared in the US, with the helping hand of the CIA. Today, worldwide drug trafficking is used to fund black projects gauged to control and manipulate the population of the planet – many of these projects began with Paperclip/63 German scientists, methodology and research. Today, the US is helping the KLA and bombing the Serbs, who are doing to the KLA what the KLA and the Nazis (financially backed by factions in the US, while at the same US troops were sent to die fighting the Nazis) did to them. What goes around comes around. Stupid is as stupid does. They all get the Darwin award! Meanwhile, again, innocent populations in the US, Serbia and Kosovo are again manipulated and made to pay the price.....because they can't learn to "just say NO". It's a history lesson. Who will pass the final exam?