
Columbine High Shooting: Much Ado About Nothing?

(4/27/99) Death, horror, guns, and black trenchcoats...more prescription from the media spin doctors. Fourteen members of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado did die, but this has been blown way beyond worthwhile reporting into a full propaganda blitz aimed at accelerating America's path toward fascist/socialist totalitarianism.

Deaths nowadays are judged in value by their potential for bringing in the cash, and the fourteen deaths (and two gunmen) are selling more magazines than a thousand dead black gangbangers ever will. But this is only a secondary point.

What actually happened in Littleton is beyond the American sleeper's comprehension. Federal agents could have easily staged the massacre by luring those boys with provocateur agents of their own, or just as easily mind controlled them into committing those acts. Microwaves, extremely low frequency waves, implants, and shock hypnosis can all be effortlessly employed to make even the gentlest student or postal worker break the barrier of moral suppression.

And even if no federal agent, SWAT, ATF or otherwise, aided in igniting the murders, the Federal Reserve can still be blamed as the primary cause of not only this incident, but the entire degradation of American morality and liberty. As the Feds insidiously gained hold of the American monetary system, no one objected to their seemingly benevolent intentions. Then, once the socialist hand was around our citizens throats, the Feds squeezed our necks along with our pocket books, purging us of every ounce of will, liberty, and hard-earned money. When both parents gave up their children to the television and public automaton factories (schools) in order to work for what was stolen in Fed-induced taxes, all was lost and a generation of soul-less, apathetic, irresponsible, and putridly violent young minds filled the oasis formerly known as We the People.

Materialism replaced morality, hedonism replaced spirituality, and violence replaced diplomacy. And my, my...what happened in Littleton? Nothing but a fall-out of what this de-generation Y has to offer.

And now that America has officially condescended to a majority rule democracy rather than the constitutional republic it once was, popular opinion decides legislative affairs...leading to laws being passed supported by the majority of society, a majority that is by biological law always less intelligent than the wise, intellectual, and logical minority that resides along the small right-hand portion of the Bell curve.

With the conspirators' effective manipulation of public opinion through the media, manipulations of skill thousandfold in effectiveness over those of Goebbels, any law can easily be passed at the whim of these conspirators simply by employing "democracy" and propaganda. No matter what occured in Littleton, one thing is certain, the evil political elite are capitalizing upon this tragedy by using its shocking images, emphatic eyewitness accounts, and scripted interviews with the authorities to traumatize the sleeper population into supporting totalitarian goals. What are these goals? They are the following:

As long as the public remains both victimized by the conspiracy and willfully ignorant to the truth, the beckoning for hell continues unabated.

The fact is, this country will get what it deserves: a larger-than-death Holocaust and global war on scales never witnessed before since the days of Atlantis. As the sleepers starve and die of disease, politicians will be laughing prematurely as the shadow of a star-spangled Grim Reaper, represented by the post-apocalyptic subversive militia resurgence, looms above them, scythe raised. It will be us, the ones wielding the flaming sword of truth and waving the banner of liberty, who will have the last laugh.