By Karin Pekarcik

There is a great discrepancy between first-hand witnesses and propaganda we see on television, hear on the radio, and read in the newspapers and magazines. Who are we going to believe? The propaganda machines or real people involved in the real life event?

Through our apathy we let things go as they may. We don’t seem to question what’s going on in our neighborhood much less the rest of the world. We let the major media do its propaganda thing on us, and we really don’t care too much as long as we do not perceive the event as a treat to ourselves and our families.

Little do we realize that there is not even a semblance of attempting to report the truth to the people. We are fed a daily dose of lies that those in power want us to believe, and we naively accept them as truth. Propaganda flows freely off our televisions, radios, magazines, and newspapers into our minds. We internalize this false information as truth and constantly work from this perspective. The truth we perceive is flawed from the beginning and then we proceed to build our thought patterns around it. We are good subjects in these massive indoctrination programs.

No major news media is unadulterated. We don’t hear from the hot zone areas during crisis times. Everything is filtered through the government sanctioned media sources. We watch through these altered sources and believe it to be truth. Yet, it is fabricated to present the correct view to our myopic eyes and ears.

We are presently in a fabricated tale of war and destruction. Kosovo is the stage of this latest contrived battlefield.

We are now engaged in a war that was begun illegally. On March 23rd, the order to commence hostilities was given to an American general by a Spanish Marxist — NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana. Solana directed the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, General Wesley Clark to initiate air operations in Yugoslavia. He insisted that the attack was intended to support the political aims of the international community. The war was actually authorized by NATO in October ’98, long before the bombing started. And our President then played the role of "selling" the war to the public, and Congress was instructed to okay the decision to take our nation to war and to authorize payment for that war.

NATO was created to defend the territorial integrity and political independence and security of its members in exercising the right of "collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations." The Yugoslav regime did nothing to threaten NATO members. The UN Charter specifically states that "Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state"; thus the suppression of Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian secessionist movement is definitely within the domestic jurisdiction of Yugoslavia.

Now it seems that NATO is taking over the role from the Soviet Union of sponsoring wars of national liberation. The most surprising fact is that the beneficiary in Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), is a collection of Maoist drug-peddlers and terrorists who have been armed by Iran and provide training for the Saudi terrorist financier Osama bin Ladin, the sponsor of international terrorism.

To show the depth of the deceit and lies we are being continuously fed, read with an open heart a segment of an e-mail letter dated 4/11/99 written by a Yugoslavian to his friends in the USA. We are so far removed from the fighting, that we don’t know the real story nor do we comprehend the devastation being waged in Yugoslavia. We proceed to be hand-fed our daily lies and internalize them as truths.

"After 5 days of attacking my country, yesterday NATO forces lead by USA, hit HVAC&R factory producing equipment which, as we know best, has a goal to make lives of our mankind comfortable, healthy, allowing to all of us to be most effective in our work, most productive, to use our talents and our intelligence in a benefit of our civilization. After hitting civil airport in Belgrade, many schools and kindergarten, one civilian shelter (with the great number of killed people), after damaging hospitals, monasteries (even some under the UNESCO protection)…. I would like to underline that I know American people through ASHRAE and my work at UC Berkeley and San Jose State in California…. I respect US constitution, Jefferson and Lincoln, your technology, your believe in God, your honesty… feeling that America is my second country. But, we are brutally attacked by NATO lead by Clinton, and we are officially in war with USA. Can you imagine how I feel now?

…. That is why I feel obliged to tell that information which you are getting has nothing with truth, it is unbelievable untruth. The reason why your media are serving such information is to try to give moral pretext to the aggression – excuse and explanation why your solders are killing us, but dying as well.

…. My conclusion was that the most dangerous use of engineering approach, besides nuclear weapons, could be TV. Pictures can be mounted, text can be constructed to produce special effect, and final message is then fatal. I remember what all I saw and heard on CNN when I was in Kansas, concerning war in Bosnia. Terrible propaganda had been conducted against Serbs to make them bad, to get support for such policy.

We are attacked by NATO (please read USA) because we did not agree one part of Serbia, Kosovo, (belonging to our nation for 900) with hundred of early Christians churches, monasteries, old historic monuments, and graves, etc. (the heart of Serbia, of our soul, of our culture, of our history) to be occupied by foreign troops, and later given to Albanians. (Imagine Cubans majority in south Florida would like to do the same, support by more powerful country then USA.) And that was reason to attack us! Because of that we are now bombarded day by day. Children, women…. All with a goal to establish piece? What an irony!

Clinton is explaining you that USA troops are here, because Serbs are killing Albanian civilians for years and specially now. No way! But if they shoot another people, loyal Albanians and Serbs, what then? If we have done something similar, how they are, as CNN tells, in 90% of majority. The Albanians group which calls itself Liberation Army of Kosovo, is trained by USA generals ("retired"). They use arms mostly got from Clinton administration. Albanians are terrorists, and you know how is Clinton treating terrorist everywhere except here. Clinton did not ask for UN agreement for attacking us, and we are member of UN. After this UN is no more UN.

…. And here in Serbia, even was alarm, even plains (400 are angaged for Yugoslavia) are over us, each day there is public concert in downtown Belgrade with 100000 people singing, putting paper targets on our harts, with a comment: ‘Sorry, Mr. Clinton, but we are singing’ And with motto ‘The song helped us to sustain’ and ‘The love will win’….

And how our people loved America! But, I must underline, we all, still differ American people from CIA, and actual administration, which made us to suffer, even more then Hitler 60 years ago. The so called veryficators from NATO and USA, before leaving Kosovo, were putting special electronic devices on various places which instruct rockets’; NATO uses special (officially forbidden) bombs which consist from several mines each and detonate in different time, one after another, depending on how programmed.

We are looking your TV here, and that what is presented is unbelievable! I remember what everything I saw during the time we were in Kansas, when was the war in Bosnia. But this now is for Book of records….

Unfortunately, we are in situation to defend ourselves neglecting information which you have. That is a great disadvantage, but the truth can not be unknown for ever. But could be late to save my generation and generation of my students….

Dear ASHRAE friends, the group which is leading this world to day and wish to establish a new world order, differ so much from us – ASHRAE members. And their vision differs from ASHRAE vision. Our (ASHRAE) aspiration is to build Paradise and we in this part of the world are living in Hell. What a irony!

Sorry, I never used ASHRAE to discuss political questions. This time I have done, because it is no more political question, it is a question of truth, survival and morality. But, how to expect morality from an individual who lies with his hand on Bible?"

Name withheld


Karin Pekarcik is a free-lance writer living in Anaheim, California. Her e-mail address is: