Prophecy is a very important subject in this time.  When the terrible events of September 11, 2001 occurred, people were frantically trying to make sense of all this from a biblical perspective.  Pastors were quoting scripture (mostly Revelation 18) in order to assure their congregations that 9-11 was predicted in the Bible.  Other pastors believed that 9-11 was just a random event unforeseen by prophecy.  When looking at prophecy, it is important to understand that Christians have differing opinions on the subject of the End Times.  Some believe that the events known as the Great Tribulation will be future while others believe these "future" events were already fulfilled in the first century A.D.  Some Christians believe that the Tribulation encompasses several centuries of the Church Age.  Wherever possible, when discussing my views on biblical prophecy, I will allude to other Christian's opinions on the subject.  Check the links page as I will provide other "Christian" sites that have differing beliefs than myself regarding End Times prophecy.

Prophecy is simply a prediction by divine inspiration.  The Bible is unique because a quarter (25%) of its pages was prophetic at the time it was written.  Many prophecies were already fulfilled before Jesus Christ was born.  These prophecies ranged in topic from specifically several persons to more generally the nation of Israel.  Many prophecies were fulfilled during Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection.  However, there are a great deal of prophecies regarding the Messiah that remain unfulfilled.  Most of these have to do with redeeming Israel again.  Many passages point to a time of trouble for Israel and judgment for the unbelieving earth.  This site will look into these prophecies that relate to the End Times because I believe the fulfillment of them are future.  Keep referring back to this site and check the updates for any new articles.
