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Everything You Need To Know About Jesus Christ

The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) in the New Testament gives the account of the majestic and perfect life of Jesus Christ when he came to Earth. He became one of us. He was a hundred percent God and a hundred percent Man at the same time. Why would Jesus choose to leave heaven and degrade himself and become a human? He went from riches to rags, from glory to rejection, from king to servant. Why? John 3:16-17 gives us the answer.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

This web page will put the entire account of the gospels in chronological order so you’ll know what happened first and what happened last. But before we do this we have to gain an ample understanding of the general idea of the Gospels. The Gospel mean "good news." Basically it is the good news of the person of Jesus Christ who offered his body as a sacrifice for our sins and rose again three days later to defeat Satan and give us a chance to access the throne of God. The four Gospels give Jesus four basic titles and the contents were for a certain audience.

A common question is why four Gospels. The reason is because those four Gospels gives us a different picture of Jesus and put them together you get the complete picture of Jesus Christ and His majesty. This site is a "Cliff Notes" of Jesus life as portrayed in the Gospels and any addition information about Him worth mentioning will be added. In other words, you'll know EVERYTHING ABOUT JESUS CHRIST!

Part One: The Early Years

Prophecy and Biblical Page

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