Rak and Drak
As if bitten by a special drawing bug, Rakeesh has produced not one, but two (count 'em!) fan-pics, and this time the featured blokes are none other than Draklan and the artist's own four-foot (well, 3' 9'' actually, but let's not bicker) scaly persona, Rak the Anthro Dragon. The caption sums things up quite succinctly - just because they're short doesn't mean it hurts any less when they hit you (in response, for example, to derogatory remarks about their height). It just means they hit you lower down, which could, in fact, hurt quite a lot more.
Respect is due once again to Rakeesh's colouring excellence (including the FLAME EFFECT OF CHAMPIONS. Worship it), which just serves to show up the laughable over-abundance of monochrome stuff on my pages, and you want to make something of it? Eh? Eh? To send him an e-mail, click upon these here words and you can chat with the dragon himself. About things.
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