Sumo Bash


Note to all sumos: never under any circumstances challenge an ex-pro-wrestling orc to a bout. They don’t have sumo wrestling on the Firste Worlde, y'see, and are therefore likely to encounter problems distinguishing it from their own sport; a fact which has recently been discovered by at least one unfortunate minotaur.

The blue bull bloke with whom Ogrokh is colliding at high speed is Raijin (it means ‘thunder’ in Japanese. I think), a character belonging to the entirely magnificent Kazuma. Quite what possessed him to pick a fight with Mr Glug is anyone’s guess, but the ability of testosterone to override common sense should never be underestimated.

You can see more of Raijin’s rasslin’ exploits, plus all kinds of other cool stuff, at Kazuma’s homely homestead; and if you wish to mail him a message, please click after the bleep.


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